Phone sex therapist Dr. Fox will cure you.

 Phone sex therapist           Phone sex therapist Dr. Fox will cure you. Going to make you blow that load. We can do it in my office, my bookroom, or take you too someplace really special. All for you. All in all, I want to make sure that my patient is satisfied. Going to cure you of everything that ails you. To be sure it is a long process. Going to be made longer with porn sessions, roleplays, tried and true. Going to cure you and make sure you keep coming back for more. After all, once cured we have to be sure that you stay cured. None of the backsliding. 

            Come and play with me. To the highest heights. Going to make you soar. Phone sex therapy is what you need to get through your fetishes. We will role play them. I have a separate room all set up. Check it out. Next thing you know you will be spilling your guts and your semen. We will work through every one of your fetishes. From the first to the last. Cure you. Then keep coming back to keep being cured. After all you know you need this hot body, big tits, and smoking ass.

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