Phone Sex Therapist Saves Marriages with Cuckold Therapy

phone sex therapistConsider me your phone sex therapist. But I am not the typical therapist. I am not out to fix you. However, I do want to take you down the rabbit hole for whatever your fetish may be. Cuckolding therapy keeps me busy. The funny thing is that most men come to me because they want to fix their marriage. They might have a cheating spouse or think their spouse is about to cheat. And they want to save their marriage.

Here is the truth men. Cuckolding saves marriages. If you have a small dick, your wife deserves better. You took an oath to provide for your wife. And I think that implies taking care of her sexually. When Jason sat on my couch, our session began like any other session. He spilled the beans about his unhappy marriage. He discovered that his wife has been cheating on him with a much younger man from work.

A mature sexy babe will often succumb to the charms of a younger man, especially if that man possesses a bigger cock than her husband. So, I asked Jason to show me his dick. I knew it would be tiny. Jason is a handsome man and a successful attorney. He appeared sophisticated and smart too. I googled him. On paper he appeared like a dream husband, so something had to drive her to another man.

Women Will Cheat On You if You Have a Tiny Dick

Although I could tell he did not want to show me his dick, I insisted it was part of marriage therapy. His dick was minuscule. I mean, it was like a nub. So very small. When I asked the tough questions about what he does to compensate for his short dick, I saw the light bulb go on in his head. He does not eat pussy. He barely gives any foreplay.

However, if you have a small dick, you best be a great cunt licker. Or at least a good finger banger. If you do not go the extra mile for your wife, she will cheat. And she should cheat. But cuckold phone sex therapy can save your marriage. I gave Jason the skinny on how to save his marriage. The ball is in his court now. Men, if you have small dicks, let your women have some fun with a hung partner. Life is not a Rolling Stones song. Women can and should get some satisfaction in the bedroom.

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