Rich Bitch Problems

Sexy babeSometimes being a spoiled sexy babe can really totally suck! For example, this really hott guy works at one of my favorite coffee shops that I frequent daily. I kinda want to fuck him but I literally just cannot fuck anyone who makes less than a million bucks a year, like I wish I could but I just cannot do it! Rich bitch problems, haha! I swear, I cannot be attracted to someone no matter how physically attractive they are unless they have a big fat dick and a big fat wallet! Those two things are absolutely non-negotiable, sorry not sorry! Everyone should feel so fucking bad for me for being way too rich and way too picky to wanna even fuck any of these super sexy but broke as fuck dudes. They’re all wannabes anyways, so not my style! There’s no way that I can get a lady boner for anything less than my standards! The struggle is real and I know my worth! #RichBitchProblems #SnobLife #FatWallets #FatDicks

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