Ughhhh! I am almost mad at myself, but I really can’t hold it against me…how did I know I was going to run into my ex? And not just any ex…this ex was ‘the ex’. You know the one that is beyond sexy and the most arrogant motherfucker you’ll ever come across but yet still knows how to spoil a woman and oh did I mention he’s jacked up with a cock the size of my arm. This man is HUNG! Big fat cock to match his big cocky attitude. But yet… I didn’t say no when he invited me for drinks. I knew what a total ass and piece of work he was, but yet I couldn’t help myself. I probably knew what was going to happen…but I just couldn’t resist him. We had the best sex though! It was angry, makeup sex. The best kind of sex is the roughest sex, and anything is rough with that giant shlong. It was everything we needed, a good fuck with a real arrogant man who I can’t stand but can still make me cum hard as fuck.