Cocksucking phone sex

Best phone sex

Hi to all the Sexy horny men, I’m Loretta your favorite slutty housewife. Although I have the perfect house and the fastest cars. I still go around town looking for the biggest black cocks I can find. I always find the ones with the best Coke Ive ever lined up on my mirror. Even though my husband is a great man and i cater to his every need. I cant help but get my holes filled by black dick. He doesn’t know my dirty little secrets and I love him truly. I just need to be pounded hard by big black cocks when he’s not around. Even when im with my dealer he dips my dildo in cocaine and fuck my ass while hes balls deep in my throat. Something about getting my holes filled and cum leaking out of me when my husband comes home turns me on all over again. He doesn’t even know he’s sucking others men cum out of my tight little fuckbox. 

~ Your best phone sex wife Loretta

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