Mature Phone Sex: Masturbating To 16th President. Happy Birthday, Abe

Mature Phone SexMature phone sex is something I’ve craved for quite some time now. There’s something about history that really gets me going. For example: “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Just thinking about the starting line to the Gettysburg address makes me really hot. Sunday, February 12th, was Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, so we were studying him in school along with Black History Month. It gets kinda awkward sitting there trying to contain myself. Once my teacher started going over this line my mind started to wander thinking about the double meaning Honest Abe could have had behind this stunt. Although, I am sure he did believe that all men were created equal just enough. After all, if there is one thing about Abe I know it is that he liked to fuck, and not just his beautiful wife either. Abe was a bisexual, hot after cock of all kinds. He was quite the kinky fellow, hungering for the penetration of cock while he ate the cunt of a pretty lady with her legs up. As my teacher kept speaking about this, my mind was very naughty. My fingers wandered down the front of my pants and found their way to my pussy. I shut my eyes in class and listened to my teacher speak about all the awesome facts regarding Mr. Lincoln. Picturing his pull beard and steam roller har I couldn’t help but celebrate a happy birthday for Mr. Abe all over my pretty little fingers. What a way to celebrate a president’s birthday. 


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