Milf phone sex slut Angela

milf phone sex

My name is Angela and I’m a naughty, milf phone sex whore. If you don’t know by now, I’m the Queen of giant cock! I’m a spoiled, cum craving slut and I make sure that I always get everything I want. Even my husband knows it. He’s in the office all day, working to pay my bills so that I can lie on my back with my legs open and take hot, sticky creampies. I would love to call him while I’m getting dicked down so that he could hear what it sounds like when a real man pleases his wife. He can’t take calls while he’s at work though so I want to chat with some cucky bitch men right now. Let’s chat about the massive cocks that I took while my husband was at work all day. It turns me on knowing that your dick gets stiff, hearing about other men reaming my holes and fucking my guts out! Just because they’re thick and massive, doesn’t always mean that they are old enough to be under the soaked cunt of an older, milf slut like me though. Younger cock and bbc are my two biggest weaknesses. I got lucky and found a fuck buddy with both! He has three young sons and a hunger for my pretty, pink pussy! I invite them over almost every day and let them take turns smashing my hot cunt down to a soaked puddle of jizz and pussy juice! The way my holes stretch around them and the heads of their cocks pound my insides, feels so fucking good! I can’t help but to start screaming “Fuck me harder!” while they’re gliding in and out as fast as they can and slopping cunt juice all over the place. Chatting with a hot, cuck loving milf is the best of both worlds! You can either jerk your stiff dick for me and listen to me talk about the cock that makes me scream or you can be the big dick stud that pumps me full and has me running back to my bitch ass husband and bragging.

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