Sexy Masturbating Women on President’s Day

Sexy women masturbating hot cougarWould you like to spend Presidents Day with sexy women masturbating? I bet if you are like half of America right now, you are buried under snow somewhere, trying to stay warm. Nothing is warmer than my pussy. Since it is holiday, I have had the day off from school. Been home alone all day playing with my pussy. Masturbating is one of my favorite past times. Baking is another favorite past time. As a teacher, you need to be crafty, creative and part Betty Crocker. For my students tomorrow, I am bringing them president cake pops. I decided to combine my two favorite hobbies today.

I saved a few cake pops for personal use. I got a fire rolling in my bedroom, stretched out on my bed, and began to toy with my pussy. George Washington whirled around my clit. I imaged his beard tickling my thighs as he licked my slit. Before long, I had a pussy pop! I was fucking my cunt with the first president of the United States. Good thing I used sponge cake because my pussy was drenched. I came all over George’s face! Abe was next. His little top hat fell off in my cunt and melted. I had chocolate running down my thighs. I don’t mind a mess, however. I started finger fucking myself, scooping out the chocolate mixed with my pussy juice, and feeding it to myself. My pussy cream mixed with Reese’s PB cups is really yummy. I saved my Obama pop for my ass! Not sure why, but my ass was craving some dark chocolate. By the time I was done playing with my food , I was a sticky gooey mess.

I came so many times. Of course I ate my President’s Day pussy pops. I love the way my juices taste. I just wish I had someone here to clean me up! I masturbate a few times a day, but today was all about my pussy! When I give my students their president cake pops tomorrow, I will have a naughty grin on my face thinking of the hot pleasure a few presidents gave me the day before.

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