I love sissy humiliation calls. We have a site sissy that belongs to our bitch in charge, Levi, however we all get to poke fun of her too. What kind of a sissy are you if you can’t handle some ribbing, right? Sissies are here for our amusement and humiliation. As a mature sexy woman, I get my share of sissies, but Sissy Michael really takes the cake in the world of sissies. She is a teenie weenie sissy. In fact, Sissy Michael has such a small dick, it belongs in panties. Mistress Levi has had to put her little weenie under lock and key before too. It is just a nub! Don’t feel sorry for this sissy, however. She loves public humiliation, especially small dick humiliation. She loves to have her clit stick teased.
Just take a good long look at these shameful pictures? I know what you are thinking. What self respecting man would be seen dressed up all frilly like a tinker bell transvestite? The answer to that is no man, just Sissy Michael. Let me share a shameful secret with you. This sissy is not just a sissy. She is a poopy panty princess too. Under all the pretty white lace lies a dirty secret. A really dirty secret. She is pooping her pretty little panties underneath that pretty dress. Sissy Michael is such a loser. No make that LOSER. And, not only is she a poopie pansy, she is a little fudge packer too. She has an ass fetish and prances around public places like the mall begging for her sissy fannie to be stuffed. Can you imagine being at the mall and running into this crossdressing pansy begging to get a fanny stuffing? I laugh till I am crying every time I think of her being so pathetic! Mistress Levi has her work cut out for her.
Please stop by Sissy Michael’s page so you can see for yourself the most pathetic sissy in all the Internet.