Foot fetishes means you grovel on your knees & adore my toes

Foot fetishesAs a dominatrix, I am no stranger to Foot fetishes and creeps like you. I do enjoy the strange and unusual desires of my clientele. But of all the fetishes and kinks I encounter, none is as ubiquitous and enduring as the foot fetish. It is alluring, the power that comes with having admirers at my feet.

When I walk into a room, I can feel the eyes of my submissives on me, tracing the curves of my calves, the arch of my foot, the delicate tapering of my toes. I know what they’re thinking, I can see the longing in their eyes. They want to grovel at my feet, to adore every inch of me. And who am I to deny them that pleasure?

So get on your knees bitch, don’t keep your Goddess waiting. I want that tongue workings hard. Licking between my toes, on my soles and the tops of my feet. Don’t forget the power I have over you slave. If you want that dick to cum, you must worship my Sexy legs. Massage them, lick them, tell me how perfect they are.

My legs are long and toned, and I know how to use them to my advantage. I will wrap them around your head and squeeze, while your tongue plunges deep in my wet beautiful pussy. All it takes is a little taste of my pussy to make your balls bust. 

 I can see the way my submissives’ eyes follow the line of my thigh, the curve of my calf, as I move around the room. I love to lord over you. I will make you lay between my legs and as the Sexy babe stands over you a rush of hot gold liquid will soak your face. Drink my piss slave and maybe I will allow you to cum!



    • Thomas on August 7, 2024 at 2:48 pm
    • Reply

    What a Woman! :O Exactly my type!! 😀 I would gladly do all of those things and more… I would lay flat on my back in a mud puddle for you too, so you could catwalk all over me to keep your heels from getting ruined! 😀 You´re so sexy…! I know that i´m just dirt beneath your feet… And you could treat me like that anytime you want too! 😉

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