Mutual Masturbation Stories: My families dirty little sex secret.

Mutual masturbation storiesI gave David a beer as I exited the kitchen, then I sat down next to my daughter on the couch and covered the two of us with a blanket that she had brought. Turning the movie on, and dimming the lights, we watched the opening credits. The ideal movie to get my little monster ready for what I had planned for the night. A very grown-up movie, called “Love” with numerous instances of raw fucking. It was time for Katie to further her education.

“Oh!” she cried out when she first saw the two lovers masturbating to a creamy conclusion. Katie discreetly gasped. I caught her wiggling in her seat out of the corner of my eye. I had conditioned her to fucking several times a day. She had only been fucked once before school today and was itching to cum.
I smiled as I slid my fingers between her thighs, having lost interest in the movie. I delicately ran my fingertip across her exposed, pussy lips. Indeed, they were already slippery from her need to be a dirty little slut.
I barely touched her clit with my finger as I moved it between them. She gave a small whine and rubbed against my neck. I gently giggled. This is what you need, young lady. As I circled her clit with my fingertip and spoke into her ear, I felt her nod against me. She seemed so assured.

The movie projected an amber shine throughout the room, making it impossible for David to see anything under the blanket in the dark. She became brave thanks to my baby’s needy hot cunny.
I made teased her by making her lift her chin so our mouths could kiss. I could spend all day making out with her.
I backed aside and looked David in the eyes. I noticed that he was intently observing us rather than the movie. I gave him a wink and dipped two fingers into her tight little.
In an effort to get her Daddy to touch her, she shifted, opening her legs wider and lifting her hips.
She softly pleaded, “Daddy, please.” Feeling his touch, she cried out, a portion of the cry muffled by my shoulder.
She was really close. Hot. Wet. Ready to fuck. David would adore burying his cock in her. She was in a fog and panting after another ten minutes of fingering her fucking her cunt. I whispered in her ear, “Let me take the blanket off baby.” However, she whimpered. I don’t want him to touch me!”
I quickly removed the covers from her lower body anyways, and the aroma of fresh pussy rose to the surface. My nose is being teased by the fresh scent of her arousal. I took a long breath in and enjoyed how hot I made her feel.
She stood up and quickly closed her legs, catching my hand in the space between them. The only sound you could hear was the moist squelches of her twat as I fucked her with my long slender fingers. All of the sudden, David, her Daddy silenced the movie.

His gaze was fixed on my fucking fingers between her creamy white thighs as he slowly stood up. When she began to cum all over my fingers, he crouched down in front of the couch pushing her legs open to watch.
I exclaimed, “That’s it, darling,” never halting my fingers. “Show him how much you desire your father!”
She screamed as her juices dripped down the couch. I held her legs apart so he could see her pussy throb and drip with need as her asshole clenched.
I calmly stated, “Katie sweetheart, it seems like your Daddy wants to fuck your pussy.” Her eyes grew wide with fear.
“Daddy’s so proud of you, getting fucked like this, but what do you do when someone wants to fuck your pussy baby? ” As I brushed her hair away from her face, waiting for her reply.
Before I knew it, my sweet girl was lying on her back with her legs wide out for a man who hadn’t even bothered to take off his clothes, and I was so proud of her. Just enough for him to get his cock out and stow it deep inside my little girl. She was acting like a whore for her father, and I loved it.  She soon began making the tiny sounds at the back of her throat that I was familiar with.
“Cum baby!I stated firmly, “Milk that cock!” Her entire body tensed up as she let out a piercing shriek. At this point, David fucked her at a vicious, animalistic tempo while yelling and pumping his hips into hers harder. “Cum baby, that’s a good girl. Make him deliver his load to you “I laughed.  Instructing her further “Wrap your legs around him, pull him in nice and deep; that’s it. You know what your Daddy needs!”
Collapsing on the floor next to her, David looked very pleased as he faded in and out of consciousness, his body totally drained of all his semen.
“You’re such a good girl baby,” I said smiling as I brushed her hair out of her face. “Maybe if you’re lucky, Daddy may have gotten you pregnant,” I said with a soft warm smile spreading across my face.

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