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Naughty Teacher Cougar

naughty teacherNaughty teacher Farah is my screen name on Cougar Life. That is a dating site for sexy mature women to get the hook up with young studs. I met Cam on Cougar Life. We went out on our first date last night. I use the term date loosely, however. We both knew the instant we met that after dinner and drinks we were fucking. He was honest in our correspondence prior to meeting that he had a thing for older woman, especially teachers. He lost his virginity to a teacher. A man is always fixated on the type of woman who took his V card. If that was a mature woman, well he will always find himself leaning towards women like me. I was clear that I was looking for no strings attached fucking with a young stud who could keep up. Richard, my last lover was in his 40s. We had a great sexual relationship that lasted a week when his dick stopped working. I want a lover who can cum several times a night. I want a lover with a cock like a baseball bat when it is hard. I want a lover who doesn’t get sappy with me. Sure, I like a little romance, but I don’t require it to have fun. If I want a Nicholas Spark’s romance, I will watch The Notebook. I want fucked. Fucked hard and long. Cam delivered too. After a few hours out at a new restaurant, we were back at my place, naked and fucking. He had excellent foreplay skills. He finger fucked my shaved wet pussy until I was practically on the ceiling. Even men my age, rarely finger fuck a girl anymore. It is a lost art form. I sucked his cock in return. He kept calling me teacher, which made my pussy super wet. His cock didn’t disappoint. He filled my pussy up with lots of cum and had me convulsing on his dick many times. I love the cougar life.

Sexy Mature Women Like Young Big Dick

sexy hot womenSexy hot women love to share cock with each other; especially big dick. I have taught my girlfriends to be cock size queens like me. I have also showed them the joys of younger men. My best friend Kaya just got out of a bad marriage. He was your typical Italian man. Big ego, little dick, hot temper. Couldn’t satisfy her in bed, but wouldn’t let her have some side fun, even discretely. I encouraged her to leave him. Took some time, but she did and the divorce was finalized last week. I decided to throw her a little party to celebrate. By little I mean I only invited one other person. I invited Mark, a 24 year old former student of mine with a MILF fetish. Guys like Mark call women like me for mature phone sex fantasies when they can’t get a real MILF to fuck them. Mark doesn’t need phone sex; especially not after this weekend.

mature phone sexMark knew he was coming over to give Kaya a good fucking. He is one of my favorite lays. He has a beautiful 10 inch cock and he only likes to fuck women over 40 because, according to him, we are the only ones who can deep throat his dick and we are the only ones who will take it up the ass. Kaya was excited to fuck him, but nervous too. He was 3 times the man her ex was.  I helped her blow him. She wanted to share her first big cock with me. I certainly don’t turn down threesomes . Nor do I turn down big young cock. I helped set the pace and rhythm of the cock sucking. When she was ready to fly solo, I guided her mouth on his shaft. I am the ass sex porn queen, so I took him up my ass while she ate my pussy. She sucked his cum out of my ass too. We all three slept in my bed that night. When we woke up the next morning, she was ready to take him solo in all her holes.  I love it when one of my friends becomes a dirty size queen like me.

ass sex porn

Sexy Babe Size Queen

sexy babeAs a sexy babe, I get the pick of the litter when it comes to guys. But just because I can have any man I want, doesn’t mean I do. I am a cock size queen, so just because you are handsome, smart and wealthy doesn’t mean squat if you have a small dick. I need a nice cock. I demand it and I am not against humiliation if you persist with your come on attempts when you have less than 8 thick inches for me. Mike found out last night that I was serious. My girlfriends and I were at a fundraiser for a friend of mine’s daughter. It was at a fancy bourbon bar. I was drinking 20 year old Pappy Van Winkle so I was not taking any shit. He told me he would  buy me a bottle of Pappy, which told me he was over compensating. I politely told him I can afford my own and that I was out with my girlfriends. He persisted. I asked him to show me his cock. I insisted I wanted to know what was giving him all that bravado. Well, it sure wasn’t his dick. He had 4 inches at most. I told him I wouldn’t wish his sorry pecker on my worst enemy. He insisted I look again. Even whiskey goggles wouldn’t have made him look big. I snapped a picture and stared showing ladies in the bar his small pecker. I twat blocked him. He learned quickly, you mess with me, you get small dick humiliation. Women were trying to make the picture bigger just so they could see it. He didn’t last long after the all the women he approached after me laughed in his face.  I went up to him before he left with his tail between his legs and suggested he buy himself a pair of panties because he was swimming in boxers. That made him cry. I made a man cry. Scratch that. I made a small dick loser cry. A man has a cock, not a clit. Stay on the porch boys if you can’t fuck the size queens. 

The Best Phone Sex is Brutally Honest: Can You Handle the Truth?

best phone sexThe best phone sex is with mature sexy women. We understand your inadequacy. Young girls still struggle with honesty in the bedroom. They fake orgasms and blow smoke up your ass about how big you are when they have to squint to see your worthless pecker. That is one of the reasons older men are with younger girls; they can’t handle the truth. A mature babe like me, who has been around the block more than once, knows that the size of your cock equals the amount of her pleasure. The bigger your cock, the harder I cum. Some guys need the brutal truth. They need to hear that they cannot satisfy me they way I deserve to be satisfied. Now, don’t worry. Just because you can’t please me with your cock doesn’t mean you are of no use to me. I have lots of uses for small prick losers. You can be my cuckold. You can be my bitch. You can be my slave. You can be my sissy. None of those roles sound appealing? Well then you are shit out of luck. You can sit on the sidelines watching a real man fuck me until you come to your senses and realize it is better to be invited to the fucking than left out of the fun all together. Think you are man enough to take a different role than lover in my life?

Great Blowjobs

great blowjobsGreat blowjobs are something only mature sexy women do best. Why do you think so many young men want to get head from a MILF? Because we know what the fuck we are doing. We don’t shy away from big dick either. Almost every call I get from a younger man starts off with him complaining that his girlfriend can’t take his cock all the way down her throat. I have been sucking dick longer than coeds have been alive. I will be sucking dick in the nursing home. Now, I need to make the distinction that I suck big dick because I am a size queen. Younger girls can’t suck big cock because they have not yet learned that not all dicks are created equally. If the only cock you had before an 8 inch dick was half that size, you will be scared. Young girls hate to puke and gag. I actually think a young girl needs a sexy MILF more than a young boy does. Why? Because a sexy MILF like me can teach her to respect her pussy by not wasting it on small dicks. In addition, a hot MILF can teach her how to worship a worthy dick. I have used a variety of things from cucumbers to big black dildos to teach a young gal how to give head. I have taught even girlfriends who are my age how to sword swallow. Not all women are lucky enough to experience big dick in their lives. I have a good friend who just got divorced from the only man she has ever fucked. Poor thing had no clue that cocks do and should come bigger than 3 inches. I knew her husband was a loser, just had no clue how much of a loser. Now she only takes 8 inches and more. I am the woman you call when your woman can’t handle your dick. But, I am also the woman you call when she needs to learn that size always matters.

Erotic Roleplaying at the Doctor’s Office

erotic roleplayingI  had a very anal week last. Literally. From students to my doctor, guys obsessed over my ass last week. Do you enjoy erotic roleplaying? I sure do. I just was not expecting to be role playing with my cute doctor. I went in for a physical. As a teacher, I need one every two years. If it wasn’t for physicals and yearly gynecological exams, I would never go to the doctor. I am very healthy. Just look at my lungs! Anyway, my heart beat was racing in his presence. I mean this guy was George Clooney on ER hot. He leaned in really close to me and whispered in my ear, “Perhaps we need to check your rectum too. Make sure everything is okay there too.” The hot doctor wanted to make ass sex porn with his patient! I played along. I bent over the patient table, lifted up my gown and spread my ass cheeks. He pressed up against me in his lab coat. I could feel his throbbing cock. I heard the latex glove go on. Does a man get this aroused I thought to myself as he inserted a lubed finger up my ass. I let out a sigh, then I sank into his hand. His finger deep inside me probing as his hands cupped my ass cheeks. I found myself wishing I had a prostate. I started moaning. The more I moaned, the deeper he probed my asshole. I was creaming everywhere. I was so drenched; he had not even touched my clit yet. I tilted my face for an erotic French kiss. That is when he reached around and rubbed my clit. I came so hard. “Beg for it Farah,” he said softly. I begged for him to fuck my ass. His 8 inch hard cock felt a lot better than his finger and made me cum over and over again. As I was leaving, he slipped me his personal number and a smile that told me my ass would be seeing him again soon.

ass sex porn

My Ass Fetish Student

ass fetishOne of my male students has an obvious ass fetish. He is not too coy about it either. He was suspended from the football team last year when he got discovered in the women’s locker room sniffing the spankys of the cheerleaders and the panties of the female athletes.  If he had not been naked and obviously turned on by the special stench of women’s undergarments, he may not have gotten in so much trouble. Even in my classroom, I catch him dropping something accidentally on purpose so he can smell the panties of the girls in my class. He thinks he is sly, but I am on too him. He flunked a quiz because he cheated recently. I could have had him suspended, even expelled because he has been in trouble before. I had him stay after class. He was nervous about his punishment. He knew I could have him kicked off the team, even out of school and ruin his future NFL career. I made him squirm a bit because, well it is fun to tease the animals. I love having my hot ass worshiped, so instead of banging erasers, this young  boy will be licking my fine ass for an her after school until May. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him to get on his knees as I bent over the desk. He buried his face between my ass cheeks and took a big inhale before he slid my panties to the side and licked my taint. He then shoved his tongue deep in my ass like it was his cock. He is such a great brown noser. I love making boys my slaves. Guess that makes me a naughty teacher! Are you an ass man too? If so, I have a hot mature ass for your face. Get to licking boy.

Sex Therapy Porn: I Help Women Get the Cock They Deserve

sex therapy porn Sex therapy porn happens in my living room sometimes. I have this young girl I have taken under my wing. Pretty little thing. Very smart too. Well, she is book smart, but boy dumb. She is a former student of mine, so when I reconnected with her over Christmas, I decided I needed to help her. She is like many hot girls her age, dumb when it comes to the opposite sex. She picks losers as boyfriends. Guys with small cocks that treat her like shit. I have two ex husbands with small cocks. That is why they are ex husbands. Ginny has been getting more than phone sex therapy from me for a few months now. I not only counsel her on the phone, I counsel her in my living room with the aid of some hung studs worthy of her sweet pussy. I will do the same for your wife too. You see I believe in empowering women to make smarts choices about the cocks that they allow in their pussies. Men are at our mercy so we can be selective. We should be selective. I have standards. A firm 7 inch standard rule. If you are not 7 inches or larger, you get cuckolded or humiliated or even flat out ignored. You don’t get fucked; at least not by me. Ginny got to ride an 8 inch cock last night. It was like watching her rebirth. Seeing a woman, especially a young woman, have a G-spot orgasm for the first time makes my heart swell and my pussy burst.  Ginny was in awe about how good her body felt. I told her the bigger the cock, the better you feel too. Her last boyfriend was 3 inches hard. It was a shameful dick so I kicked him to the curb for her. I am not your typical phone sex therapist, so if you call me with a small cock, be prepared for the fact that I will be brutally honest and encourage your own wife to cheat on  you.

Sissy Humiliation with the Biggest Sissy of Them All

sissy humiliationI love sissy humiliation calls. We have a site sissy that belongs to our bitch in charge, Levi, however we all get to poke fun of her too. What kind of a sissy are you if you can’t handle some ribbing, right? Sissies are here for our amusement and humiliation. As a mature sexy woman, I get my share of sissies, but Sissy Michael really takes the cake in the world of sissies. She is a teenie weenie sissy. In fact, Sissy Michael has such a small dick, it belongs in panties. Mistress Levi has had to put her little weenie under lock and key before too. It is just a nub! Don’t feel sorry for this sissy, however. She loves public humiliation, especially small dick humiliation. She loves to have her clit stick teased.

small dick humiliationJust take a good long look at these shameful pictures? I know what you are thinking. What self respecting man would be seen dressed up all frilly like a tinker bell transvestite? The answer to that is no man, just Sissy Michael. Let me share a shameful secret with you. This sissy is not just a sissy. She is a poopy panty princess too. Under all the pretty white lace lies a dirty secret. A really dirty secret. She is pooping her pretty little panties  underneath that pretty dress. Sissy Michael is such a loser. No make that LOSER. And, not only is she a  poopie pansy, she is a little fudge packer too.  She has an ass fetish and prances around public places like the mall begging for her sissy fannie to be stuffed. Can you imagine being at the mall and running into this crossdressing pansy begging to get a fanny stuffing? I laugh till I am crying every time I think of her being so pathetic! Mistress Levi has her work cut out for her.

Please stop by Sissy Michael’s page so you can see for yourself the most pathetic sissy in all the Internet.

ass fetish

The Best Phone Sex is Cuckold Sex!

best phone sexWhat is the best phone sex to you? I get asked that question daily. Guys want to know what turns me on; what gets me off. A lot of things actually turn me on, so it is hard to pinpoint one thing. It depends on my mood that day. I can tell you this, however, if I wouldn’t fuck you in real life, I won’t phone fuck you either. What do I mean by that? Size. If you have a small dick, do not think I am going to have mercy or pity on your pathetic cock. I was married, twice. Both of my ex husbands had small cocks, so I have endured tiny dicks half my life. No more. I will be wearing my phone sex therapist hat if you call me and whine about your tiny dick. If you call me complaining about how your wife is cheating on you with a man with a big dick, I am going to be on Team Wifey. I am all for other women getting the pleasure of big dick. In fact, I have a Big Dick Club I run. It is sort of like a book club. I invite a new big cock to my place every Friday night, along with some women married to men with small cocks. Getting the picture?  My deprived female friends get to experience sex with a real man. They get to see for themselves how much size matters, especially to a mature pussy. It is my way of giving back to women everywhere. I enjoy turning unsatisfied wives into cheating whores and cuckolding mistresses. Maybe you should call me with your wife so I can give her the wakeup call she needs too. This is the 21st century. The era of us laying there like good little wives counting ceiling tiles is long gone.