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Sexy Women Masturbating Is Nothing You Can Resist

sexy women masturbatingMen love watching sexy women masturbating. My neighbor to the right of me watches me masturbate daily. Although I have more than a few lovers in my life, I still masturbate. Men do the same thing. No matter how satisfying our sex lives may be, we still enjoy self-love. However, my neighbor next door appears to never get laid. Our bedrooms face each other, and his wife never gives him sex. Not even head.

Both appear to be in their mid-30s. I find the wife sexy as fuck. But the husband’s big, neglected cock drives me to rub one out while he watches and does the same. Masturbation is something we should do for ourselves. And if you do it for your neighbor, well real voyeur sex is great too. Personally, I consider myself an exhibitionist. Although I am not a nudist or a streaker, I love an audience when I play with my cunt or fuck.

I like to show off my pussy and let a man see how to pleasure me. Although I have not yet fucked my neighbor, I think our masturbation sessions will eventually lead to that. I can only watch for so long. And my guess is the same goes for my hung neighbor. Last night, one of my college lovers came over to fuck me. He did not understand why I wanted the window open, but he saw my neighbor watching us and better understood why.

I Enjoy Being Watched While I Masturbate and Fuck

I told him that enjoy people watching me, so fuck me like a porn star and he did. However I could see my neighbor jacking off because I rode my frat boy’s cock facing the window instead of the wall. This way I could imagine it was his big dick thrusting in and out of my pussy. I came so hard on my boy toy lover’s cock too. The combination of being watched, looking at a hung man masturbate and the feel of a young cock inside me made me squirt. And it made my neighbor nut so hard that his cum hit the window.

I’m getting closer and closer to fucking my married neighbor. He will not be able to resist me much longer. Mutual masturbation stories will not cut it for us any longer.

Phone Sex Therapist Saves Marriages with Cuckold Therapy

phone sex therapistConsider me your phone sex therapist. But I am not the typical therapist. I am not out to fix you. However, I do want to take you down the rabbit hole for whatever your fetish may be. Cuckolding therapy keeps me busy. The funny thing is that most men come to me because they want to fix their marriage. They might have a cheating spouse or think their spouse is about to cheat. And they want to save their marriage.

Here is the truth men. Cuckolding saves marriages. If you have a small dick, your wife deserves better. You took an oath to provide for your wife. And I think that implies taking care of her sexually. When Jason sat on my couch, our session began like any other session. He spilled the beans about his unhappy marriage. He discovered that his wife has been cheating on him with a much younger man from work.

A mature sexy babe will often succumb to the charms of a younger man, especially if that man possesses a bigger cock than her husband. So, I asked Jason to show me his dick. I knew it would be tiny. Jason is a handsome man and a successful attorney. He appeared sophisticated and smart too. I googled him. On paper he appeared like a dream husband, so something had to drive her to another man.

Women Will Cheat On You if You Have a Tiny Dick

Although I could tell he did not want to show me his dick, I insisted it was part of marriage therapy. His dick was minuscule. I mean, it was like a nub. So very small. When I asked the tough questions about what he does to compensate for his short dick, I saw the light bulb go on in his head. He does not eat pussy. He barely gives any foreplay.

However, if you have a small dick, you best be a great cunt licker. Or at least a good finger banger. If you do not go the extra mile for your wife, she will cheat. And she should cheat. But cuckold phone sex therapy can save your marriage. I gave Jason the skinny on how to save his marriage. The ball is in his court now. Men, if you have small dicks, let your women have some fun with a hung partner. Life is not a Rolling Stones song. Women can and should get some satisfaction in the bedroom.

Great Blowjobs Reward Great Cocks and Good Deeds

great blowjobsMy great blowjobs, I reserve for great cocks or great deeds. I lucked out yesterday with a stranger I picked up at Target. He had a great cock and he did me a solid that deserved rewarding. I hate shopping, especially now that Christmas begins so much earlier. When I was a schoolgirl, I never saw Christmas displays or ads until after Thanksgiving.

To psych myself up for a crowded store, I decided to masturbate in the parking lot. I needed to park way in the back, so no one could really see me. Or so I thought. I started rubbing my pussy watching some porn on my phone. I may be in my 50s, but my pussy still gets super wet. Since I am an exhibitionist sex slut, I like the idea of a handsome stranger catching me masturbating.

A knock on my window scared the crap out of me. I was lost in pleasuring my pussy. This handsome younger man asked me if I wanted some help. I rolled down the window and he slipped his arm inside looking for my wet pussy. His fingers explored my cunt. A few fingers popped inside my cunt, and one strummed my clit. I no longer needed porn to help me cum because I had a handsome stranger lending a hand. This is the exact scene I play out in my head when I masturbate in public.

I Love Random Sexual Encounters with Handsome Men

He made me cum twice. The first time I just came on his fingers. The second time I squirted on his hand and forearm. I amazed him and myself. I rarely squirt. But I think it was a combination of his help and my surroundings. I mean I came in my car in the crowded parking lot of a Target. I invited the guy home. And he did not hesitate to follow me home.

Back in my house, we created magic. His cock appeared to be about the size of his forearm. I enjoyed sucking his cock. But I enjoyed fucking him more. My pussy never felt so wet before. And after he came inside me, all this mature sexy babe wanted to do was play with the cum in her cunt. Random encounters with men are so fucking hot.

Erotic Roleplaying Lets Me Pretend I am a Princess

erotic roleplayingErotic roleplaying spices up any love life, even mine. Since my last marriage, I decided committed relationships were no longer for me. However, many lovers at once feels perfect. But that does not mean that I cannot spice things up with a sexy costume. My young lovers never mind seeing me dressed like a sexy maid or a fairy tale princess. Creativity in the bedroom makes any sex life better.

With Halloween right around the corner, I have been playing dress up more often. However, one of my students I am fucking this semester thinks Snow White is hot. I get it she represents innocence and virginity. Personally, I think I may be more like the evil queen. Innocence and virginity do not describe me. Not sure it ever did. I am a naughty teacher who uses her position of power to bang young studs.

And Zach appeared to be a fan of my Snow White outfit. Unlike most of my pets, he does not need any help in the bedroom. Some sexy mature women already taught him how to eat pussy and fuck. We pretended he was one of my dwarfs but with a big cock. I know it sounds silly. And it was silly, but sex should be fun. I think monogamy is boring. So I advocate for me, my pets and any couple who seeks my advice to engage in a polyamorous lifestyle.

Roleplaying in the Bedroom Spices Things Up

How can you get bored with your lover if you have many of them? Although Zach enjoyed my Snow White role play, he wanted to invite more people into our bedroom scenario. I assumed he wanted some cute coeds to join us. I like pussy too. But he wanted 6 more dwarfs so he could watch me in a kinky gang bang. Most pets never think about such sexy things as sharing my fuck holes with a bunch of college boys.

This sexy babe could entertain 7 frat boys better than a porn star. And I did too. Brought me back to my wild college days. With Halloween right around the corner, I suspect I will sport more hot outfits in the bedroom. Next up, I think, I might be Wonder Woman. What sexy role plays do you enjoy in the bedroom?

Best Phone Sex Sluts Get You the 411 on Your Small Dick

best phone sexThe best phone sex lets you talk about anything and get an honest response in return. I am not the sort of girl who just moans and giggles, telling you everything you want to hear. Not my style. You admit to having a small dick. Well, sorry to disappoint you. I am not even phone fucking you. Why? You disappointed me with your small dick.

Men seem confused as to what I do. Perhaps, it is easier to tell you what I do not do. I do not fuck small cock. I do not let losers dominate me or anyone dominate me. And I do not placate egos. If you have a small cock, you will get small dick humiliation regardless if you want it or not. I am a sexy mature woman who knows her worth. A man last night actually said to me, “Suck my 5-inch cock and gag, bitch.” I broke out laughing.

Losers, I Do Not Open My Mouth for Anything Less Than 9 Inches

Let’s dissect what he said to me. First, I am no bitch. I am a dominant woman and men will treat me with respect.  So, he did not win any points calling me a bitch. But the bigger issue for me was how he could expect me to gag on a 5-inch cock. I will not touch a cock less than 9-inches, and to make me gag, a cock needs to be at least a foot long. No way would I even suck a 5 inch dick, let alone gag on one.

Clearly, my caller did not realize who he called. But I taught him about me. Much to his chagrin too. This loser assumed that because he paid to talk to me, he could dictate the call. However, no man dictates what I am going to do or not do. Small dicks get no love from this sexy babe. In fact, small dicks should not get any love from any woman. Consider yourself warned.

Erotic Roleplaying in the Bedroom Spices Up Your Sex Life

erotic roleplayingI enjoy erotic roleplaying. I do the horny teacher student roleplays daily because I fuck some young collegiate guy daily. But every now and then, I find a man who wants to role play something other than student teacher. Now, I only role play with worthy men. I am a size queen.

At any given time, I am juggling a few lovers at once. Since I am a twice divorced woman, I decided that I enjoy being a mature slut more than a monogamous wife. Personally, I do not believe we were meant to fuck only one guy for the rest of our lives. Sex should never be boring. And monogamy equals boring to me. Role plays help spice up a sex life too.

As a phone sex therapist as well as a mature slut, I often encourage couples to role play in the bedroom. Not only does it spice things up, but it can help couples explore their fantasies. One of my current lovers always had a thing for sexy maids. Since his cock is damn near a foot long, I told him I could be his sexy maid. Even though I am a far cry from a domesticated woman, I found a sexy outfit at an adult store and went to clean his house.

I Love Roleplaying in the Bedroom

I employ a maid part time. And she would not look like I did in a sexy maid outfit. Even though I live alone, I am busy fucking, teaching and talking dirty. No time to clean. But I cleaned Terry’s house. However, I really cleaned Terry’s cock. When we first hooked up, I gagged on his cock. Now, I can deep throat him better than Linda Lovelace.

He appreciated my attempts at being his naughty maid. But he appreciated my skills in the bedroom more. According to him, I am the only woman who can deep throat his cock. I believe him too. Every man brags about my great blowjobs. We fucked like wild animals in his apartment. Fucked in every room of his place too. If your love life seems a little lackluster, role play. It might just lead to some hot ass sex.

Edgeplay Phone Sex Helps Men and Boys Last When Fucking

edgeplay phone sexI love edgeplay phone sex calls. Most men who call me do not measure up to my standards. By that I mean, most of my callers lack a big enough cock for my mature pussy. Or they possess a quick trigger. No woman wants a 30 second man. So, edge play techniques help. I blame porn. Younger men, especially, grow up with porn easily accessible on their phones. And most men never last long with porn.

Sometimes, I experience this with my young teen lovers. Boys I take under my wing each semester cum too quickly. So, I edge them. I do not pick a teacher’s pet whose cock looks too small for me. Since I am a naughty teacher with certain skills, I pick boys who need some confidence banging chicks but have big cocks. And boys who need some stamina training too. I love young boys. And I enjoy preparing them for a world of sex outside of high school.

Mature Women Make Great Sex Teachers

My current pet needs my help. Porn and high school chicks ruined him. The first time I gave him head, three licks and he popped. We both felt disappointed. So, since then I have worked with him. We practice a variety of edging techniques. I even banded him from watching porn for the duration of the summer. You should consider that too. Porn appears hot and easy. And it is both. But it can hurt you for when you fuck someone other than your hand, LOL.

My college lover responded well to my tutelage. In fact, he can rabbit fuck me for a solid 30 minutes now. Power of a mature phone sex slut. Every young boy needs a mature woman to help him in the bedroom.  Perhaps you need some help too. Well, consider class in session. This teacher and sexy mature woman can use guided masturbation and edging techniques to help you too. Remember men, no woman wants a 30 second man.

Great Blowjobs Should be Taught By a Skilled Teacher

great blowjobsFor the longest time, folks around town refer to me as the “blowjob teacher.”  And I am not ashamed about that. Great blowjobs require a mature women to pass on the skills. I do think girls may lean towards being more sexual than some other girls. But no woman starts giving head like a pro. Same with eating pussy. Some skills need a woman like me to teach. I enjoy teaching young girls and boys lessons in the art of cunnilingus. Many students come to me for advice on how to give a great blowjob or how to eat pussy. And I always help them out.

As a mature woman, I have been around the block a few times. I have seen and done it all in the bedroom. So, I think I should pay it forward and share my knowledge with the next generation. I mean I am a naughty teacher after all. One of my coeds this term sought some personal advice last week. Maggie wanted help on how to give head.  She confided in me that she feels like her blowjobs need work and she wants her boyfriend to think she is the best cock sucker ever. I can appreciate that kind of drive.

I Love Teaching Girls to Be Good Cock Sucking

When done right, a great blowjob can be a powerful weapon in a relationship. Even though I am a college professor and a mature woman, I possess the ability to make even the most inexperienced girl feel comfortable and confident giving head. So, I took Maggie under my wing and taught her the basics of giving a guy a great blowjob. From the right technique, to how to use her hands, to how to read a man’s body language, I made sure Maggie understood what all is involved in good head.

I think Maggie came away last week with a newfound confidence in her oral abilities. One of my studs lent his dick to her learning process. Maggie seemed proud of her work with Todd, my young stud of a neighbor and frequent lover. I loved seeing Maggie become more self-assured in her blowjob techniques. And I am always happy to be a part of a girl’s sexual education.

Naughty Teacher Farah Has a New Favorite Pet

naughty teacherNaughty teacher Farah rings in every new semester with a teacher’s pet. Sometimes, I even select a few. And I did this semester. My male pet does not need any tutoring in the pussy eating department. He proved himself more than worthy in that department. However, he does need some tutoring to maintain his athletic scholarship and keep playing baseball, which I am more than willing to do. Ricky comes from inner city LA. Avoided gangs getting into baseball.

His arm appears to be as golden as his tongue. Although I will never give a student a passing grade if they do not earn it. I will help them earn it with extra tutoring outside the classroom. Ricky appears to want to learn too. I only select pets who do. His issues are not his fault either. High school teachers passed him because he brought folks to high school baseball games, and he won his school three championships in a row. However, they never told him until it was too late that he had not really passed his classes.

I Love to Tutor Boys in Sex Ed and Other Subjects

Ricky appears to have a soft spot for mature women too. He calls me mamacita, which means hot mom in Spanish. I guess the equivalent of MILF in English, LOL. I am a phone sex mommy. Why not give the boy some mothering along with the hot sex and tutoring? So, he came by last night for a tutoring session. I decided to help him with his history and English courses too.

After tutoring, I rewarded him with pussy. I motivate boys with my cunt and ass. And my great oral skills. The right motivation works wonders on a boy’s ability to focus. After two hours studying, we fucked for four hours. He can eat pussy for a solid hour with no break needed. So, I am just as lucky this semester as him. Never has a boy his age licked me that long and appeared to enjoy every second of it too. But Ricky is an all star athlete and cunt licker.

Although I showed him my great blowjobs skills for about 30 minutes, the rest of the time we fucked. His arm may need iced after a 3-hour game, but his cock bounces back better than his arm. However, today, my legs still feel like Jell-O. So, he might be my favorite pet yet.

Coed Phone Sex Mature Women Can Enjoy Too

coed phone sexMature women crave coed phone sex too. I am a bisexual professor. My teacher’s pets can be either sex. Although I do usually select a young, buff stuff who could benefit from some private sex education teachers, this semester I selected one of each. I need more than one student to service me all semester. This dirty professor could never be satisfied with just one anyway. Perhaps, that explains why I divorced two men. I do not know how to be monogamous.

Personally, I believe people overrate monogamy. One pussy for the rest of your life? I bet that does not sound fun to you either. So for this year, I plan to rotate between pussy and cock. Maybe one night my frat boy comes over to fuck his naughty teacher. And the next day my cute coed visits to eat the teacher’s pussy. However, last night, I mixed it up. I invited them both to dinner. I wanted a threesome. Although my cute coed seemed reluctant, but my stud wanted in.

I Enjoy Pussy and Cock Simultaneously

Cannot blame him either. A mature pussy and a young pussy simultaneously? That might be every man’s wet dream cum true, LOL. When I pulled out my young frat boy’s stiff cock and began polishing that knob, my coed got behind me and ate my pussy.  Sucking a young cock while experiencing a tongue lashing feels like heaven to this babe. I came on my coed’s face while my frat boy filled my tummy with his sperm. This mature woman swallows every drop.

My coed appeared to be coming around to the notion of a sexy threesome. However, I know she prefers to have the teacher all to herself. I like girl on girl action too. Just sometimes mature phone sex babes like me want a cock and a pussy at the same time. And I felt that way yesterday. We spent the night in bed as a throuple. Have you tried two chicks in bed or even another guy for your wife? You should. Trust me.