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Two beautiful victims, Cassandra and Fiona. Both needing and wanting his brutal attention. Both begging for the ultimate abuse, degradation and pain. They both live to bleed for him, would gladly die for him and love to be used by him. When he is aggravated or stressed he can take it out on either one of them. Both of their pussies throb and flow hot and wet for his brutality. The savage beast in him is soothed as he beats them before fucking their bleeding and broken bodies until he is satiated. He loves both of them in his own sick and twisted way and they love him. He fears that one day he will beat them to death and have to fuck their corpse and then try to find a way to dispose of it. And he admits that his biggest fear is also the ultimate fantasy. That he often masturbates to the fantasy after he has brutally assaulted them and they are laying beaten, broken and bloody on the floor next to his bed.
He brought them to me for a session. Why he cares how they really feel deep inside is beyond him. But after several sessions with me he is beginning to dig deeper.
They are both just as beautiful as he said. Both adamant about needing the abuse like the air that they breath. In our session together I gave them the abuse they crave just like he does. I have to admit that I derived a great deal of sexual satisfaction and felt empowered as the abuser. It was much like the power I feel when humiliating my husband during cuckold sex.
I look forward to many sessions with the three of them both watching the girls be abused and abusing them myself. I must confess that I have no intention of trying to help any of them now that I have tasted the thrill of abuse.
Using them will be my wicked indulgence.
When two up and coming doctors from the local teaching hospital called to book a session together I was a bit taken a back. They were very vague about the nature of their needs yet told me that they needed urgent and immediate attention. They were even willing to pay extra to book as soon as they could with me. I thought they must be struggling with sexuality issues and were distraught over it, so I agreed to see them post haste.
When they came into my office my pussy responded with a mind of her own, They were young, ruggedly handsome, in very good shape and dressed with good taste. One of them was carrying a backpack that I thought was medical books.
As they sat down I did my usual introduction and informed them of professional confidentiality to put them at ease. It didn’t take long before they explained that they had an unusual dilemma. They found me by looks not reputation. No one else would do.
It seems that there is a female nurse that works at the hospital and looks a lot like me. She teases them endlessly knowing they are med students and can not mingle with the professional staff or they will be removed from the program.
They pulled out the nurses uniform from the back pack that even had her name tag attached and explained that they wanted me to be her so they could real time role play what they wanted to do to her.
It was the only way they would get through this program. It was to the point that her teasing prevented them from concentrating at all and they didn’t want to fail.
Being their nurse and letting them double penetrate me, pull my hair, call me their teasing slut and letting them give me what I deserve are sessions that I can get used to, and they have two more years of this program to go.