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Femdom Phone Sex Sessions Mean I am In Charge

femdom phone sexFemdom phone sex sessions are something I offer as a dominate woman. Guys ask me all the time what femdom means. It means I am in charge. The rest is anything we want it to be. Roleplays, ass worshiping, sissy training, or cuckolding. When Travis called me this morning, he was clueless that I was a domme. He found out the hard way that it pays to read blogs and bios before you call a woman and assume she is okay with your humiliation call. No one force fucks me. No one calls me names either. I was not letting this man’s disrespect go unchecked. I let out a litany of small dick humiliation insults. The only men who try to shame women are guys who are insecure about their manhood. They have tiny dicks, and it makes them feel like big men on campus, to dominate and shame women. Well, I have zero use for men like that. I am a sexy confident woman. I have earned the right not to be any man’s bitch, especially not some loser with a small dick. This guy who called me quickly realized that I am no bargain bitch who takes whatever he doles out. After I verbally assaulted him, I put on a strapon and fucked his pansy ass. I mean he could have hung up on me anytime he wanted, but he hung in their trying to fight me back. He never got the upper hand though because I never let a guy get control. Never. He extended with me, so at some point he started enjoying a boss babe in charge of his ass. I convinced him to look for his wife’s dildo. All wives with husbands with tiny dicks have a dildo somewhere. I found his wife’s dildo and had him shove it up his ass. He never met a woman like me. But I think he will always want a sexy dominatrix now. Wouldn’t you?

Exhibitionist Sex and Great Head in the Park

exhibitionist sexExhibitionist sex? Yes, please. I flashed my bald cunt to this cute boy the other day at the park. I was power walking and listening to music when I saw this buff boy. I say boy, because if he was 18, I would be surprised. I am not good at guessing ages, but I was not going to buy him a beer. I just wanted to tease him. I wanted to fuck him. Boy did I want to fuck him. He was tall. Height often corresponds with cock size. The taller the boy, the bigger the cock is always my hope. I flashed my cunt at him. He pulled out his cock for me. Holy shit. This tall white boy was hung like a porn star. Mature phone sex women love a challenge. I looked around and when I saw no one in the immediate vicinity, I pulled him into the wooded area with me. I got down on my knees quickly to take his forearm of a cock into my mouth. I am great with my mouth. He palmed the back of my head like a basketball. I was gagging. Cannot remember the last time I gagged on a cock. It is not that I suck small cocks. It is that I am just that good with big cocks. This boy was not just big. He was huge. He was aggressive too. He likes the sounds of girls struggling with his cock. I told him I was no girl. I was all woman. This was a challenge for me. I stepped up my game. I tilted my head back. I pulled him towards me, so he was standing over me. His cock slid down my throat. Sometimes it is all about the angle. I give great blowjobs. I had to show this boy that it was a cock sucking milf swallowing his rod, not some silly girl. I did not get his name, but I got his cum.

Erotic Roleplaying in the Bedroom Can Turn Sour if You Try to Dominate Me

erotic roleplayingI love erotic roleplaying in the bedroom and on the phone. I can be just about any woman a man wants me to be, if I am not treated like some submissive whore. I am not submissive. Never have been. I hooked up with a guy on Tinder who wanted to play naughty neighbor.  That is like a play out of my sex handbook. I have seduced all the hung and handsome neighbors I have ever had. This guy understood my rules. Everything was going well until he thought he could force himself on me. He wanted to get rough with me. Not my thing. I am a dominant woman. I could have been a domination porn star instead of a professor. I am sensual woman, but when he got rough, I got rough back, and he did not like it. He was surprised that I was able to take control of the situation so quickly once it veered off course. I know self-defense, plus I am a black belt in karate. That always surprises men because I am a mature, thin and short woman. I am only 5’3 and 125 lbs. My Tinder Beau had this look of confusion on his face when he realized I was on top of him with his hands pinned behind his back. I told him no one forces me to do anything I do not want to do. I handcuffed him. I put a ball gag in his mouth too. I did not want the neighbors to hear him screaming once I started pegging his ass. Silly Tinder boy. You do not call the shots with a mature sexy woman. I lubed his ass up when I did not have to do it. I mean, he did deserve a raw ass fucking for attempting to get rough with me. This was not the Tinder date I asked for. It was not the one he wanted either. But a dominant sexy woman cannot let a guy think it is okay to turn the tables like that. I made an ass sex porn with my Tinder date. My guess is today he is sitting on a bag of frozen vegetables deleting his Tinder app.

Mature Phone Sex Women Attract the Young and Old Studs

mature phone sexMen crave mature phone sex, just like they crave mature women. There use to be this belief that the older women got, the less sexual they became. That was the excuse men used for decades to fuck younger girls. Sure, guys like to fuck a tight pussy. But you want to know they real reason older men go for younger girls? It is because mature women put their sexual pleasure first. Young girls do not know that yet. They are out for fun. They lack experience so a 4-inch cock is nothing they will complain about, especially if they are getting to go on trips and out to eat. Mature women know size matters. They have their own money and only need sex and romance, and perhaps companionship from men. But with that being said, most men still find mature women sexy. In a way age helps us weed out the losers. The men with nothing to bring me in bed go for the younger girls. The men with big cocks seek out a mature sexy babe like me because they know we can handle their cocks and even teach them a few things.

I have no problem getting the men I want. Men my age and younger guys hit on me often. I go for the young studs most of the time only because our libidos are well matched. Last night, however, I went with a man older than me. That rarely happens because I rarely find a man my age who can keep up with me in the bedroom. They either have limp dicks or small dicks.  I found a man who is 59 with an Italian stallion cock and the stamina of two twenty-year-olds. Yeah, for me. Oscar is what I would call a keeper. We fucked all night long and even again this morning before he had to leave for work. He knows I am a professor and a phone sex therapist, and he finds it hot that I am smart and sexy. He says most women his age do not have a sex drive like mine. I am proof positive that age has not stopped my sexual adventures. I do not think it ever will.

Coed Phone Sex Fantasies Cum True with a Hot Teacher

coed phone sexI love coed phone sex as a sexy teacher. There are plenty of hot coeds on my campus, and all over my city. Especially, now that it is summer. I went to the beach yesterday and came back with more than a tan. I was looking for a young stud to fuck. Instead, I found a hot coed who took my Intro to Psychology class two years ago. She still goes to my university, but I have not seen her in a while. Honestly, I did not recognize her. She approached me, and the longer we chatted the more I remembered her. She was hot for her former naughty teacher. That was undeniable. She would touch my arm, compliment my figure and tell me how really beautiful she thought I was. She admitted to having a crush on me when she was in my class, and that was my signal to invite her back to my place. She followed me home. It was not a long drive. I made her a snack, but the only thing she wanted to eat was my pussy. I spread my legs for her and let her eat the pussy she has long fantasized about. Of course, I ate her tight shaved cunt too. I even joked that technically it was 69 Day being that it was the sixth month on the 9th day, LOL. Her pussy was wet. She really was hot for the teacher. She tasted amazing. It was like biting into a ripe peach on a hot summer day. Her sweet nectar sprayed my face. I was in heaven. I was spraying her face too. We spent the entire night together. We ate each other out. We rimmed each other’s assholes. We even used a double-sided dildo a few times. Two naked sexy chicks can amuse themselves easily. We both love cock, but sometimes women just need some girl-on-girl action.

Great Blowjobs Are Not to Be Wasted on Small Dicks

great blowjobsGreat blowjobs are for great cocks. I do not put my lips on small dicks. I do not waste my oral talents on dicks not worthy of my skill level. The problem is that younger girls do not know that they can hold out for the big dick guys too. Part of what I do is help young girls understand their worth, so they do not grow up thinking that they must take care of just any cock. That is not how this works. Not all men deserve pussy. Not all cocks deserve our attention. I empower women while ensuring that men with tiny dicks understand that they do not deserve any woman they want. I am known as a naughty teacher with my male students, but with my female ones, I am more of a therapist. If I can intervene when girls are young, I can prevent them from being like I once was and like their mothers likely are.

 I married twice for love, and that did not work out for me sexually. A woman can choose to fall in love with a man who has a big dick, or she can fall in love with a tiny dick loser. A smart girl will choose the big dick. I will not get married again. I want to fuck as many young hung studs as I can. I spent half my life unhappy sexually. Now, I know my worth. I know that I can get the biggest cocks around. I know that my sexual pleasure comes first. Despite it being summer, I can still mentor young girls too. I have this coed house sitter. Beautiful girl. Smart too. Well, book smart at least. Last time she was at my place, I saw on the hidden cameras that she was letting some loser boy treat her like shit. I had no clue if he had a big dick or not, but my guess was he was being a jerk because he was trying to overcompensate for his tiny pecker. I intervened and set her on the right path. Phone sex therapy is not just for tiny dicker losers like you. It is for women like your wives too.

Phone Sex Therapy Helps Save Marriages

phone sex therapyI am available for phone sex therapy. Many men just need a safe space to talk about their problems. I am discreet but I am not a safe space. I will not reinforce your feelings. That is not my job. My job is to support your wife and tell you the truth. I do a lot of couples therapy. Wives bring their husbands to me when they are sexually dissatisfied. And trust me, in California, there are a lot of unhappy women. I got into this business to save women from what I went through. Two ex husbands and almost 15 years of sexual displeasure. No more. I am empowering women now. I saw a couple this morning. A rich man with a hot trophy wife. All his money cannot make his wife cum. He does not want to lose her, but he is all closed off to cuckold phone sex. Makes no sense. He is rich. That is all he has going for him. He is old. He is not attractive. And he has a small dick. The only thing he can do to save his marriage is to let her have lovers. Hung lovers. She doesn’t want to leave her cushy lifestyle, but she is tired of masturbating. I told him about my two failed marriages and how my exes lost me. This guy can only get a hot woman because of his money. But to keep her, he needs to be a cuckold. I brought in a stud for her and let that stud fuck her brains out in front of him. She came so hard  on his 10-inch cock. Her husband was stunned and aroused. He had his small dick out trying to tug it while he watched. Seeing is believing. I explained that cuckolding can be discreet, but it is often the only way to save a marriage. This phone sex therapist wants to help you save your marriage too.

Exhibitionist Sex Slut Farah Loves To Catch Handsome Flies With Her Honey Pot

exhibitionist sexI am an exhibitionist sex slut, especially for my hot neighbors. Summer is here. I am officially done with teaching until August. No summer school for me this year. I want to travel and fuck. I do not have the easy access to young men that I do on campus, but I can catch handsome flies with my honey. Yesterday was warm. Not too hot, likely in the mid-80s. I live at the beach or the pool in the summer. I know I can pick up all the men I want. Plus, there are apps like cougar life and Tinder for hook ups. Yesterday, however was about my next-door neighbor. He is a young DILF. I am about twenty years older than him, but I do find him sexy as fuck. He is a new neighbor who moved in at the end of last year with his wife and little one. They look like the perfect yuppy couple. This sexy babe just wants his cock. I do not want to break up his perfect family life. I have been married twice and I am not looking to get hitched again. I am looking for a few hung men to entertain me this summer, however. I flashed Brian my cunt and tits when I knew his wife and daughter had left for church. They would be gone a few hours. That was all the time I needed to fuck his brains out. It took a hot minute, but Brian caved to my sexy body. He came over with a stiff cock and a sheepish grin. He told me he rarely does stuff like this. I told him I often do stuff like this. I am a horny mature woman. His cock needed immediate attention. His balls were way too full for a man who was married to a hot wife. I took care of him. I give great blowjobs. The kind that leaves men drained and yearning for more. I drained Brian three times in 90 minutes. Yeah, Brian may not do this sort of thing often, but he will do it with me again and again.

Naughty Teacher Farah is What all the Students Call Me

naughty teacherNaughty teacher Farah is my name. I have had that moniker for over a decade. Before I started teaching college, I was a part-time counselor at a high school nearby. I had my MA in Psychology and a BA in education. I was also working on my Ph.D. in Psychology at time, which is why I was only part time.  I loved counseling young minds. I got a lot of different types of students who would see me. Some with basic teenage sexual angst, and others with much more complicated lives and mental health issues. I ran into a former student I counseled when he was a young teenage boy. He is all grown up now. He was once this shy, awkward boy who could not even look a girl in the eye. I did not recognize him, and he was in my office weekly for a couple years. He knew this sexy babe though. He remembered the woman who helped him get laid. I was not his lover. I kept that relationship strictly professional. It was not because I cared about his age as much as I thought he would fall apart under the pressure of satisfying a mature woman. Well, he is a man now. And he did not cave to the pressure. He admitted to a decade crush on me. I took him home. Of course, I did. I am a mature slut. I wanted to experience the man I helped create. He is big and burly now. He is assertive too. No more shy, awkward boy. Just a confident, hung stud now. His cock was amazing. Much bigger than expected. Felting amazing to slurp on his throbbing member knowing that my brand of sex therapy porn helped give him the confidence and skill in the bedroom to make him a Casanova. That big cock made me squirt too. He found all my G spots and made me cum so hard. He was proud to show this sexy teacher all that he has learned.

Femdom Phone Sex Means You are My Beta Bitch Boy

femdom phone sexI enjoy femdom phone sex. I am a mature woman, and very dominant too. I am not whips and chains dominant. I am more of a sensual dominatrix. I am a size queen and I do not let little dicks fuck me. Sometimes, I meet a clueless man who needs me to put him in his place, and I always do. Steve is a coworker. He is not a professor, but he works in the Psychology department as a researcher. He is me 20 years ago. A doctoral student who helps the professors with research. He developed a crush on me recently while he was helping me on a paper. He is smart, cute and funny. A good guy, but his dick is just too small for me. One night he was over, and things got heated, but I stopped him dead in his tracks when I realized his dick was about 4 inches too small for me. He was not going to take no for an answer, so he got to meet my sexy dominatrix side. I put him in a pair of my panties and pegged his ass. He was not exactly willing. But I gave him no choice. I will not ever stand for a man disrespecting me or thinking no means yes. I am way too dominant for that. Steve came from me pegging his ass. It was a hard cum and one that left him perplexed. I never touched his worthless pecker and now he thinks he is gay because he came so hard.  I have been pegging his ass almost daily since that initial encounter. He is my beta bitch boy now. I even peg him in my office. I think Steve is a sissy bitch. He just needed the right woman to put him in his place. This dominant sexy babe was the right woman. Now, I have a bitch boy who does anything I want. Are you a beta bitch boy for a hot dominatrix too?