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Edgeplay Phone Sex Helps You Become a Better Husband

edgeplay phone sexEdgeplay phone sex helps make you a better lover. And that is what I want for all women. I want them to have a lover who can last inside their fuck holes. Women come to me all the time complaining about their husbands or boyfriends being quick cummers. I will pass on my knowledge to any woman who wants to make her man last inside her. I will see couples too in my therapy office. I will always be Team Woman. I want all women to understand that size matters and their sexual pleasure matters too. No woman can get off if you cum in three pumps. When I saw a new couple this week, I was glad to show them some sexual techniques to help her husband last long enough to get her off too. I also had to school him on how to eat a shaved wet pussy. He is a typical man. Three pumps and he is done. How is that fair to the woman. If you care about a girl, man up and make her cum before and after you cum. Alex was reluctant at first. He was not a willing client. His wife dragged him along because she was tired of being left sexually frustrated. Alex has a decent sized cock. He is just a quick cummer. Does that sound like you? I showed his wife some of the edging games I use like red light green light. He needs to use a cock ring too. That helps for stamina. I ate his wife’s pussy in front of him. He needed to see how much pleasure she gets from that. Neither her nor I are lesbians, but eating pussy is often required in phone sex therapy. She came on my face hard. I had her quivering and shaking. I had her feeling like a good husband should make her feel. We are just starting our sessions, but at least now Alex knows how to eat pussy. We will continue the therapy and before long he will have a happy wife.

Naughty Teacher Farah Loves To Shack Up with Students

naughty teacherThis naughty teacher is officially on Thanksgiving break. No school for a week, but that does not mean there will not be any students. I have a student staying with me for a week. Now, I normally never do that, but he has no place to go. He is an on a student visa. He is from the Ukraine and if he goes home, the government might make him go to war and not let him return to the states. The dorms are closed for the week, so instead of staying in a fleabag hotel, I let him stay with me. It is kind of better than a husband. This boy is grateful to me. He loves mature phone sex babes. He has big cock. And he never has limp dick issues. I woke up this morning with my Ukrainian stud licking the alphabet on my clit. Let me tell you, I could wake up that way every day. I made his face glisten with my mature pussy juice. I came on his face many times. I had to stop him because my pussy was on fire in a good way though. Been a long time since my pussy came so many times that it started to hurt if I came anymore. I took a break to show off my cock sucking skills. I know how to suck cock. I could not make him cum as many times as he made me cum, but that is one of the benefits of being female. Multiple orgasms rock. I did drain his balls, however, a few times. His cock is big. I mean he is almost a foot long, and his cock has a nice girth for my pussy too. I have not lived with a lover in forever. Now, I have a 20-year-old stud shacking up with me for a week who has a cock worthy of my great blowjobs and who eats pussy like a porn star. I may not let him go back to the dorms.mature phone sex

Exhibitionist Sex Shows Boys This Mature Babe is Down to Fuck

exhibitionist sexI love exhibitionist sex. I have always enjoyed public sex. Although, I take risks, I am not boldly fucking in Time’s Square or anything like that. For me, the allure is in the risk of getting caught. I do not really want to be caught, at least not in any way that could get me arrested. I have a neighbor boy I flirt with. He is in college, just not my college. He is home for the Thanksgiving break. This morning, I woke up horny. When I looked out my window, I saw him jog by. I did not know he was home yet, so when I saw him, I got aroused, and decided to play a game with him. I put on my sexiest black lingerie. I even slipped into some high heels too. I wanted him to notice me when he ran back. It was chilly this morning, but I wanted to see if he noticed this mature phone sex babe half naked on her porch.

He ran back by me and did a double take. I do not think he believed what he saw. He was all hot and sweaty, but I like that. I could smell his pheromones and they were awakening my already horny pussy. He calls me Ms. Farah. I love that. Makes it extra dirty when I am blowing him and he is moaning, “Oh, Ms. Farah.” He was happy to see me. I was not sure he would be home. The older he gets, the last time he spends at his parents’ home. He told me I was the main reason he came home this year. His parents are a tad weird. Not very social. Uber religious. They think I am a whore, so rarely have anything to do with me. If they knew about the naughty neighbor porn I make with their son, they would send me to hell themselves. They think he is a good boy and a virgin. He has been fucking me for years. He loves my mature pussy and I love his hard cock. It is going to be a great week of he fucks me every day.

Sex Therapy Porn Helps Turn Men into Cuckolds, Sissies and Crossdressers

sex therapy pornI use sex therapy porn in my therapy sessions.  When I have a guy in my office or on the phone who does not yet realize he is a sissy, a cuckold or a crossdresser, I use some hypno films. They put in the subliminal messages that closeted sissies, cucks and crossdressers need to hear. It is okay to suck cock. It is okay to dress like a girl. It is okay to be a pussy free white boy. I have a new private therapy client. He started coming to see me last month. He likes to wear women’s panties. His wife does not understand. She caught him one day in her panties and ordered him to get help. She sent him to the wrong phone sex therapist, however. I only want to take him deeper down the rabbit hole. Here is my rationale. Why deny a man what he likes? Wearing panties is not hurting anyone. If it makes your man feel good to wear panties, or dress like a girl or even fluff some cock for you, why forbid him from doing it? Since Terry has been seeing me, I have had these subliminal videos on in the background that have been reinforcing his need to wear panties. I have upped it a notch too by sending him messages about cock sucking. When he came to see me yesterday for our session, he confessed that he wished his wife would cuckold him. He started embracing the fact that he is not very masculine, and he acknowledged that his wife needs more. I was prepared for his breakthrough. I knew he would embrace being a cuckold phone sex husband, a panty boy or a sissy. I just had to play it out and see where his natural tendencies lay. He wants to wear panties, and suck cock. He wants to watch his wife fuck real men and even fluff their cocks for her. Now that he knows he wants to be a cuckold, we just need to get his wife on board. I have a slew of subliminal videos to get her craving really big dick. Just need to get her to my office.

Ass Fetish is What Men Develop When They Don’t Measure Up

ass fetishDo you have an ass fetish? I love to make disobedient men my ass slaves. In case you cannot tell, I am a dominant woman. I am a size queen too. I have broken many a man in my life. Sometimes, it is just what you must do. When I brought Tyler home, I assumed he had a big cock. He was in his 30s, so younger than me, but not as young as I usually go. Most of my lovers are in their 20s. Tyler was handsome, articulate and dressed well. He was all over me like a cheap suit. He had a lot of bravado for a man with a 4-inch dick. That is too small for me. I misjudged him. I had hope that if everything else was there, he would have a nice cock too. I was very disappointed. When he tried to get aggressive with me, I let out a litany of small dick humiliation jokes and I sat on his face. I made him eat my ass. I made him lick my asshole. He fought me at first, but I am stronger than I look. I am in my mid-50s, but I work out daily to stay fit and strong enough to fight off losers. I subdued him. He seemed to like it after awhile because he stopped resisting me and gave in to worshiping my ass. He licked up and down my taint, and he buried his tongue in my asshole. He eventually worked his way down to my pussy and licked me into a hot squirting cunt. The night did not turn out the way I wanted. I am sure it was not the way he wanted either. But once he stopped resisting my attempts to put him in his place, he started enjoying eating my holes. You may not be big enough to fuck me, but I can still find some use for you. Mature phone sex women can always find a use for men who do not measure up.

Naughty Teacher Farah Needs a Live in House Boy

naughty teacherI love being a naughty teacher. I have access to so many horny young men who love sexy mature women. We are approaching fall break, and I have had a student ask if he could stay with me for the break. Normally, I would say no. I will fuck these boys, but not move them in, not even for a week. But this boy is a skilled lover with a big cock. He did not even really need my help in the bedroom. He has been fucking for before he met me. He is a foreign student, here on a school visa. But California is a sanctuary state and he will not get deported him once his visa expires. He is from the Ukraine and has been unable to go home because he will be drafted. He wants to see his family, but he is a lover not a fighter. He is also a boy wonder. Incredibly smart. This boy is going to go on to do great things outside of the bedroom too.

I let him spend the weekend with me to see how it would be to spend a week with him. I agreed to let him stay after 24 hours of intense fucking. He has milf phone sex fever. And I am addicted to cumming on his cock. I mean he has an amazingly big cock, and he knows how to use it too. He made this mature pussy cum so hard, many times. I think he dehydrated me. He has amazing stamina. Like porn star stamina. He stayed hard even as he was cumming. He ate my pussy even with his cum in my pussy. He kissed me after I sucked his cock. He even ate my ass. Those are often things I need to teach boys to do. He told me his nanny growing up taught him all sorts of things. It is rare that I find a student who is good in bed and good in school too. He is my pet just because I love fucking him, not because he needs a grade boost. This sexy babe may move him in permanently as a sex slave. I think I would have lots of boys interested in that gig. What about you?

Sexy Babe Believes In Magic Because a Magician Cast a Spell on Her

sexy babeThis sexy babe had no clue there was such a thing as National Magic Day. Did you? I celebrate all things spooky. This is my favorite time of year. I was at a party over the weekend and the host hired a magician. That was how I heard about National Magic Day. He was cute. A much younger man. Legal age, but half my age easily. He seemed into this sexy milf because he kept selecting me to be his assistant for all his magic tricks. I did not believe in magic until I met him. He did some amazing tricks that still have me stumped. I am a professor. I believe in science, so I was watching each trick intently trying to figure them out, but I was stumped. I was fascinated with the magician and his tricks. I think he cast some sort of spell on me. My pussy was purring and super wet. I had no clue if he was hung or not. He was tall, so I could hope. I agreed to go to his place after the party. I almost never go home with a stranger, no matter how charming he is. Magic must be real because he put a spell on this sexy babe.

sexy babeBack at his place, I was acting like a giddy schoolgirl. Something was off about me because I am always in control. I knew I was not acting myself. He snapped his fingers, and I fell to my knees. Now, I knew I was under some magical spell. I started sucking his cock. I always make men eat my pussy before I go down on them. I am a mature sexy woman. I deserve to cum a dozen times before a man cums once. How did he get me to blow his cock without anything in return? I asked him what kind of spell he had cast on me because I was acting like some lovelorn teenager not the mature dominatrix that I am. I was sucking on his cock like a porn star. It was a nice cock, but nothing to make me loose my senses. I was under his spell though. I ended up fucking him on his couch, but he never did a thing to get me off. My head knew that was wrong. I do not suck or fuck guys who do not make me cum, yet this sexy babe was fucking this magician who did not even eat or finger her pussy. He came in me, and I left. Just like that. I still have no clue what he did to me. Maybe some sort of hypnosis. But I am beginning to think magic is real.

sexy babe

Phone Sex Therapist Farah Takes You Down the Rabbit Hole

phone sex therapistI love being a phone sex therapist. I help men with their kinks, fetishes and perversions. I do not want to cure you though. I want to take you down the rabbit hole until you are comfortable with your own desires and needs. I help all kinds of men. Cuckolds, sissies, panty boys, mommy’s boys, crossdressers, you name it. No fetish I am not comfortable with exploring. I have a regular calling me weekly who wants to be a sissy maid. His wife caught him once in her panties and made him get counseling. A traditional therapist with try to explore the root of your fetish to cure you. I do not use aversion therapy in my style of phone sex therapy. I made Mike embrace his feminine side. I think within us all is a matching masculine and feminine side fighting for dominance. Do not fight your urges. Give in to them instead. After a few months of talking to him, he is wearing sissy clothes and cleaning the house. He told his wife to get some big dicked lovers, and let him take care of her afterwards and the house. They have switched gender roles. I did need to help him with his wife, but I knew any smart woman would eventually be okay with having her cake and eating it too. Being a cuckold is an important job, so is being a sissy maid. If a woman has a man who is both, she has a great life. She can fuck who ever she wants, and she never has to do any housework either. Any woman who would not want that is crazy. But I talk to men all the time who need sissy or cuckold phone sex therapy because their wives will not get on that train. With me as your phone therapist, however, I can help you navigate your wife too. Be who you were meant to be without shame.

Great Blowjobs Require A Big Dick and a Love for Pussy Licking

great blowjbsGreat blowjobs are not an entitlement, yet men always assume you will give them head no matter what they do. Maybe that works for some coeds. You know girls who just do not know better yet. I am in my 50s.  I know what I deserve. Men with small dicks and men who will not eat pussy, do not get head from me. I mean why would I want to suck a small cock. No woman wants to suck a small dick. And two, why would I give you head if you will not give me head? I met a great man recently, but I had to kick him to the curb because he refused to eat pussy, so he was not so great after all. He expected me to go down him even though he told me he will never eat pussy. A mature phone sex babe can be selective. Yes, he had a big cock which was a plus, but he is a hedonistic lover, so I told him to not let the door hit his ass on the way out of my place. I then texted his friend who had hit on me too. I met them both at the same time, but Oscar had a big cock. I made a mistake. I picked the wrong guy that night. A big dick is important to me, but a big dick is worthless to me if you are a selfish lover. I told the friend I fucked up and he came over. And guess what? He ate my pussy for hours. He ate my pussy so good too; I came on his face a few times. His cock was not huge, but it was not small either.  He was about 8 inches, and I showed off my best cocksucking phone sex skills in return. I am still a size queen. But I will pick the guy with 8 inches over the guy with a foot long cock, if the guy with the bigger cock does not eat pussy. I do not often make mistakes in choosing lovers, but when I do I fix it quickly. Life is too short to waste on selfish lovers.

Sexy Babe Farah Went Cubbing for Young Cock

sexy babeThis sexy babe went out last night with the girls. Been a long time since my fellow cougars went out cubbing. That is not a typo. Sure, been awhile since we went clubbing too. But cubbing is when mature women go out looking for younger guys. We are the cougars, and they are the cubs. I think I looked great. Don’t you? We hit a wine bar. It is not the typical al place for cubs to hang out, but if a boy is looking for a mature woman, he will go to a wine bar if he is smart. We go there because we love wine, and we know that any young guy in a wine bar is there to score some milf phone sex pussy.  There were four of us and we met four college boys. It was fate. One was a student of mine. One I had never given a second thought to honestly.  Seeing him with his friends was a different side of him I had not seen before. He recognized me, but not at first. I was dressed seductively. I mean when I teach I still dressy sexy, but not like I was dressed last night. All the boys shifted in their pants when they saw the cougars come in. We knew we found our one-night stands.  My girlfriends are married, so my house is the shag pad as we call it. My girls are size queens like me. They cuckold their husbands. I am the only smart one who left her short-stacked husband. I hooked up with my student and my gal pals took what was left. My house, so I get first dibs on a cub. I picked a winner too. This shy, nerd boy was Lothario. Smart with game? Hell, yes. He was hot for his naughty teacher. The boy was packing a 10-inch cock in his pants. I. May have picked the wrong teacher’s pet this time.