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Phone Sex Therapist Farah Loves to Help Men Become Cuckolds

phone sex therapistI am a phone sex therapist. Sure, I mostly listen to the many sexual problems men have, but I am often talking to men who want to be a cuckold. Most cuckolded men do not even realize they are cuckolds. That is because their women are sly. They are cheating on them while their men think they are at girls’ night or the gym. Many men miss the signs of a cheating spouse. Then others, like many of my callers, know their wives are unsatisfied with their small dicks and want them to cheat. I am usually masturbating while some moron tells me about his wife, and I know he has missed all the clues that his wife is banging some stud with a huge cock. I love to cuckold men and I love to help men realize they are already being cuckolded.

Chester called me last night for some cuckold phone sex therapy. I had to tell him he was likely already a cuckold. I had him tell me about his wife. She wears make-up to the gym. She stays late a lot at work, but her paycheck does not reflect hours of overtime worked. She comes home from the gym or work and immediately wants to shower. She is dressing sexier to work. Yeah, his wife is already cuckolding him, so I had to help him with some techniques to get her to come clean about it all. I mean the way that a cuckolding marriage stays strong is when it is out in the open. No secrets. It is not cheating if both spouses know about it. Women get older and they crave the sort of orgasms they see in porn. They want earth shattering orgasms that men with short dicks just cannot give them. Men get older and realize that they cannot give their wives everything they want. Getting some phone sex therapy can help save your marriage and make you a willing cuckold.

Mature Phone Sex Babes are Naughty Sex Ed Teachers

mature phone sexMost mature phone sex babes are liberal in their thinking. With age comes wisdom and experience. And patience. I think as women age, they are better suited for the younger men. Every semester, I have a teacher’s pet. I do not normally go for the most handsome boy in my class. I go for the one who looks like he needs some game. Behind every great male lover, is a sexy mature woman. The best lovers need to be taught. Sure, you can have some natural ability, but a young girl does not know anything either. She just lies they and lets him finish. No guidance.  As a naughty teacher, I like to take the boys with potential but no game under my wing and turn them into great lovers. The kind of lovers that women rave about. About 10 years ago, I had my first awkward boy. Well, the first who was a student. Matt is in his early 30s now with a wife and a son. I ran into him and his family recently. Honestly, I did not recognize him at first. He has changed so much. Latter that night, he PMed me on Facebook.  He wanted to pay me a visit. Him and his wife wanted to pay me a visit. I was intrigued for sure. Why would I not want to see where this was going? Honestly, it could have gone sideways easily. Lucky for me, it did not. Matt was honest with his wife about our past affair. He credited me with the reason he eats pussy so well. She wanted to thank me, and he wanted a threesome. His wife is liberal, but only agreed to a threesome with me because she felt she owed me. We had wine, ordered in dinner, caught up then fucked. I have been with two guys often. Not nearly as often, however, for this kind of threesome.  His wife was hot. She eats pussy as good as Matt. I cannot say I will be this fortunate again, but when this sexy milf phone sex slut takes a young lover, I always hope that he will remember me fondly like Matt.

Phone Sex Therapy for Sissies, Cuckolds and Crossdressers

phone sex therapyNeed phone sex therapy? Be warned, I am a therapist, but a sex therapist like me dose not want to cure you. I want to bring out all your kinks and fetishes. I do not think it is healthy to hide your true self from others. I get that maybe your wife does not understand why you are cross dresser or why you want to be sexually submissive to men. Fuck your boring, vanilla wife. Let me help you navigate a life around your prude wife. I am a sexy bitch. I am very liberal in my thinking too. Personally, I like knowing what my man is up too, so I can encourage and support him. Now, if my man is a cock sucking faggot, I likely will not fuck him, but I will cuckold him and let him have that cock he craves while I get bigger cock than him. Now, if my man was a crossdressing sissy, I would encourage that. I have a big closest full of sexy things. A mature sexy babe like me always has pretty things to wear. I love dressing up men. I have an adult daughter, and I always styled her when she was a young girl. I know how to dress for any body type, do hair and make-up too. I am enlightened enough to know that not all crossdressers are bisexual. Just because a man likes to wear women’s undergarments does not mean he wants to suck cock too. It usually means he is sexually submissive to women, so why a wife would not seize that opportunity is beyond me. I am into all kinds of men. Just because I will not fuck you, does not mean I do not have use for you. I love submissive men. I will get behind forced crossdressing or let you willingly play around in my closet. You have a wife who does not support your secret lifestyle? Let me help you.

Sexy Babe Farah is a Size Queen Even for Blowjobs

sexy babe This sexy babe loves to suck cock. But I do not just suck any cock. I am a size queen. If you are too small for my pussy, you are too small for my mouth too. I was at the gym over the weekend. I try to keep my sexy body in fine shape. There is this handsome stud at the gym always hitting on me. He likes milfs.  I adore younger men for their stamina and ability to cum effortlessly. I snuck him into the sauna. After ten in the morning, the gym is sparse with people. I love that. It means I can fuck discreetly just about anywhere that does not have security cameras. I was paying he had a big cock. My great blowjobs require a big cock. He was tall, and slender. Big hands and big feet, so all the indicators of a huge cock where there.  I lucked out and he was a nice size. Not the biggest cock I have ever had, but he was a solid 9-inches which is bigger than both my ex-husbands’ cocks combined. What was the most impressive about him, however, was his girth. He was wicked thick. Like he could rearrange your teeth with his cock because he was that thick. It was hot as fuck already in the sauna but I wanted that cock. I risked someone coming in too, but I would cross that bridge if it happened. It was my lucky day all around because no one caught us, and he had a big cock worthy of my expert cock sucking skills. He told me most women shy away from him because his cock is so thick. I am not most women though. I am a mature phone sex babe who has been worshiping big cocks for some time now. I told him he needs to date cougars because we are all size queens. After I took his thick shaft down my throat and drained his backed-up balls, he was sold on mature babes. You will be too.

MILF Phone Sex Slut and Dirty Teacher Farah Loves Pussy Too

milf phone sexThis milf phone sex slut is ready for Fall. I am a pumpkin spice loving mature woman. Fall is my favorite season. I think because it is just not so brutally hot. I live in Southern California, so we do not get a lot of the fall colors that I love, but I make my own. I decorate my office with warm orange and brown colors. One of my students brought me a pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks this morning and it set the day off right. My favorite drink. This was not a male student looking to bang the teacher. It was a female student with straight A’s who does not need to be my naughty teacher pet for a higher grade. She is just a horny coed hot for teacher. Can you blame her? I may be a size queen who loves cock and cum, but I enjoy eating pussy too, especially much younger pussy. Coeds today do not look like the coeds of my generation. Some of these barely legal girls look like they are runway models already. I swear coeds have gotten hotter and leggier since I was a coed. Sara is my straight A student who does not need any perks or advantages in the classroom. She may even be smarter than me. I had to show her some gratitude. I sat her on my desk, took a drink of my latte she brought me, then licked the alphabet on her swollen clit. Her pussy was shaved. Smooth and tight. Not a virgin, but she is young enough and she is not a mother yet either, so her holes are still sweet and tight. She got into me eating her shaved wet pussy. She started grinding and bucking on my face until her sweet juices cascaded over my face. I was glistening; she was smiling. She had to get to her next class, so I finished myself off and sipped on my pumpkin spiced latte that tasted so much better now that I had her coed cunt cream on my lips.

Naughty Teacher Farah Never Forgets Her Teacher’s Pets

naughty teacherThis naughty teacher is loving being back in the classroom. The students love having me back too. Some of my former pets from previous semesters have dropped by my office hours to reminisce. Yesterday, Alex came by. He is a senior now. When he was in my class, he was only a freshman. He needed lots of help in the bedroom. He was a good-looking boy with brains, just no game. He played Dungeons and Dragons in high school. I had no clue that game was even still being played. I had to teach him all about female anatomy. I did not mind of course. He could not have found my clit with Map quest, LOL. But I am patient. And I am a natural teacher. I enjoyed showing him around the female body. He wanted to show me how much of a better lover he has become since my tutelage. I have not fucked him in three years, but a mature phone sex babe never forgets the cubs she fucked. He had been on my mind too, so maybe I willed him to pay me a visit. I was happy to see him. He was a bit taller and much more buff than the last time I saw him. I think he gave up dark games for the gym. He looked good. He now looked like the kind of boy who did not need a woman to teach him a thing. He pulled out his cock and I swear that had even grown too. He told me he started taking protein supplements to build lean mass and it seemed to make his cock grow too. He was way thicker than I remembered, but nothing is too big or thick for me. I am an experienced size queen. I got him reacquainted with my great blowjobs, and he almost blew a hole in the back of my head. He was in a rush to get to his next class, but he came back a second time and fucked me on my big oak desk. I need to check in on some of my other past pets to see if they are just as improved as Alex.

Best Phone Sex Tells You the Truth About Your Cock

best phone sexThe best phone sex does not blow smoke up your ass. I am sure women have been telling you all sorts of lies to placate your delicate male ego. I do not massage sensitive egos. It is the modern world. Women have choices. Women do not need to push their needs aside for their men.  I do not pacify men. Let me share some secrets many women will not share with you. Cock size matters. As women get older, the need for bigger cock grows. We can fake orgasms well. I do not fake, however. If you cannot make me cum, I will confront you. The issue with many men is that they do not realize they are poor lovers because many women just lay there and fake it. They never tell men how to please them. Some honestly do not know how to please themselves. When I do couples phone sex therapy, I begin with the woman. Women deserve the best orgasms they can have, but if they cannot please themselves, they cannot tell you how to please them. I begin with showing them how to masturbate. The younger generation is good with self pleasure, but women of my generation often do not know. Some have even been gaslit to think that they should not please themselves because men will do that for them. That is a nice thought but if a man cannot find your clitoris with a GPS system, you are screwed. I am an enlightened woman. I teach women how to have orgasms and I show men how cock size matters to a woman’s pleasure. Sure, I understand you cannot help that you were born with a small dick. But you can help your pride. Let your woman use toys in the bedroom. Sex toys are not your competition. Let your woman have lovers who are much bigger and can satisfy her. Life is short. Cuckold phone sex saves marriages. She will not leave you for a big dicked man if you make sure she is happy. Let me help you and your wife stay married. There is no shame in being a cuckold, but there is shame in disregarding your wife’s sexual happiness.


Cuckold Phone Sex Therapy Can Save a Bad Marriage

cuckold phone sexCuckold phone sex therapy is what I do best. It is my specialty. I was married twice. I divorced twice. Both ex-husbands were my cuckolds, just not willingly. Husband number one had a small dick and a big ego. He did not eat pussy. He did nothing extra in bed to compensate for his small dick. So, I took hung lovers. He found out and went ballistic. I kicked him to the curb even though I was pregnant. I was not sure my daughter was his anyway. Still not, but my daughter has a relationship with her father. She does not need to know he was likely never man enough to father anything, LOL. Husband number two had a big cock. I was not making that mistake a second time. His problem was limp dick. I thought he would not have any problems because he did not have dick issues until he married this phone sex therapist. He refused Viagra and blamed me for his limp dick. So, I took more hung lovers and made him my cuckold. Fuck. Divorce number two. I swore off marriage after that. I was having too much fun fucking hung men half my age or younger. I do no need to be married. I have a successful career as a college professor. I have a successful therapy practice and I do phone sex too. I own my home and I have a few sports cars too.  I am successful and financially secure. I want to stay that way, so I will not marry again. I will fuck as many hung men as I want to fuck and not have to answer to anyone. Now, I take my knowledge to help others in trouble. I can help save marriages with some phone sex therapy and cuckolding. So, I did not have good marriages, I still cuckolded two men. And I will not only cuckold you, but I will teach your wife how to cuckold you too.

Great Blowjobs for Great Cocks Only From This Hot Babe

great blowjobsGreat blowjobs require great cocks. That is sort of my motto. I am an excellent cock sucker, but I will not open my mouth for less than 7 inches. I prefer something between 8 and 10 inches. The bigger the cock the more the challenge. The bigger the cock the more I work for that nut. I am a horny mature woman. I am not desperate, however. I have come up with every excuse imaginable to not suck a cock I had hoped would be big but was not in the past. Nowadays, however, I am brutally honest. I have no problem telling a man he is not worthy of my cock sucking skills. Sometimes, I am prepared to give the speech about not being big enough for this sexy babe and it turns out that the cock is way bigger than I expected. That is a pleasant present. Hoyt is a student in my Introduction to Psychology course this semester. A skinny, nerdy boy. Not my type really. Smart, but a gamer and one of those D and D boys. He came by my office hours this week and told me he was already struggling in my class. I did not believe it. He is smart and its just the first week of school. Turns out the nerd is hot for teacher. I was not going to take him on as a pet because I had written him off in my head as not being worthy of my expertise. He pulled his cock out in front of me. I was flabbergasted. This scrawny geek had a big cock.  I had a new respect for him. He had game and I never saw it coming. I did feel it cumming however down my throat.  This naughty teacher milked him dry in her office. He may not need to fuck me for a grade boost, but I will let him be an honorary teacher’s pet just based on how big his cock is. I should know by now not to judge a book by its cover.

Does Sexy Women Masturbating Get Your Cock Hard?

sexy women masturbatingSexy women masturbating is something hot to witness. Confession. I love to be caught rubbing one out. I use it to gauge a man’s interest in me too. I have a house guest for a week. When I married my first husband, it was his second marriage. He had a son, so I became an instant stepmom. Now, I never did anything with him because he was a boy. I prefer men. We lost touch after the divorce, but we recently reconnected on social media. He is going to grad school at my university and his apartment is not ready yet and asked if he could bunk with me for a week. I was happy to see how well he grew up. He is a few years older than my daughter and since they are half siblings, they stay in touch. Part of me assumed that if his father had a small cock, he would too. Often that is the case, but he must have taken after his mother’s side because this morning I caught a glimpse of him stroking his cock in the bathroom. I was mesmerized. I had been masturbating earlier but I was not thinking of him. Now that I saw him, all I could do was put my hand in my panties and rub my shaved wet pussy. He busted me and admitted he was rubbing one out thinking of me. We were both clearly horny this morning and in need of some TLC. His cock was rock hard. I mean where was the harm in fucking him? He is a grown man now and I have not been married to his father in 15 years. It is no secret that I love younger men. We fucked like wild animals in my bed. His stamina was amazing. His cock length was amazing. Hell, his girth was impressive too. He filled my pussy up better than my two ex-husbands combined ever could. He did not mind fucking me, but no young man ever minds fucking a sexy milf phone sex slut. I am going to enjoy having him around this week. Fucking is a much better way to wake up than drinking coffee.