Tag: phone sex therapist

Phone Sex Therapy

phone sex therapyHe called for phone sex therapy. His problem is not uncommon. He can’t satisfy his wife because he has a small dick. I hear that daily. Now, for whatever reason, some men like to pretend their cocks are smaller than they are, but this guy I knew was small. He sent me pictures and to prove it was him, he had the credit card he used to pay for the service in the pic next to his dick. His dick was smaller than his credit card. I know right? Pathetic. He called the right woman. I was not going to attempt to save his marriage, at least not the traditional way. He was cuckold material if there ever was cuckold material. He had a turtle dick. If the room was chilly, he was all balls. No way his wife was sexually satisfied. My Barbie doll as a young girl wouldn’t be satisfied with his turtle dick. I told him his only option to stay married was cuckold phone sex. His wife needed a sexual surrogate; one with a worthy cock. That means a cock about 5 times the size of her husband’s little nub. He needed a wakeup call. He knew he was small, but he still wanted to fuck his wife. With what???  You can’t fuck a Barbie doll with a one-inch nub. After an hour on the phone, I think he realized he lacked the equipment to satisfy his wife. He lacked the equipment to satisfy an ant. Hopefully, my brutally honest therapy worked, because I felt so bad for his wife. Not even my worst enemy deserves a dick that small.

Best Phone Sex Therapy W/ Rebecca

If the best phone sex is what you seek for that unrealistic fantasy desire that works your mind and masturbation moments into an endless loop and frenzy then I should be able to assist you. My way to offer therapy is to not really judge you but maybe humiliate you a little and bring you down to the reality that you may not be manly for a reason. You need to come to terms about your sexuality maybe and just cannot get a handle on the fact that your cock is not a real cock, and certainly not one that women desire. If it’s something else that gets you worked up we can discuss that as well, especially if it has to do with that hot young daughter of your girlfriends that you know you could please if you only got the nerves or chance to.

Best Phone Sex

Best Phone Sex Is Cuckolding Therapy

Best phone sex

There are times when only the best phone sex will do when it comes to your dirty fantasies and naughty thoughts that make you desire some kind of therapy. It’s perfectly ok to feel overwhelmed by your desire for cock, watching cock fuck your lover or the desire to touch a big throbbing black cock.

cuckold phone sex

The thought of cuckolding you and making that little prick of yours throb amuses me and turns me on a little. Ok, it turns me on a lot to think of taking a much bigger dick in my sweet wet cunt and humiliate you the whole time, well when I’m not feeling intense pleasure anyway. You will be very near me and will be forced to suck a bigger cock after it has pleased my cunt. I know this is what your cock is throbbing for and it isn’t your fault you were born insuperior.

Shaved wet pussy

Great Blowjobs are In Need

great blowjobsGreat blowjobs are in high demand, especially on a college campus.  Not just from the college studs either. I get a lot of cock. I am a sexy woman, so attracting men of any age is never a problem. When there was a knock at my office door, I assumed it was a horny student wanting a blow job from the best cock sucker on campus. It was a colleague. A handsome one too. He said he needed some advice. I give advice to all kinds of folks, so I ushered him in, and he took a seat. He started telling me about his marriage. It was not the story I was expecting. I figured his wife was cheating or she was a bad lay. What he told me was his wife won’t suck his cock because it is too big. His dick makes his wife choke. I was taller than this fellow professor. I had a hard time picturing him with a big dick. I mean he was a short man. I told him to let me see it. I needed to know just how big his dick was. I mean I have met his wife. She is a sturdy woman. I would think she would be a big dick sucker. Holy crap. He unleashed a snake from his pants. He was close to a foot long. No wondered his wife gags. I might too and I am a seasoned cock whore. I showed no restraint. I just started slurping on his dick in my office. He came quickly. Clearly, it had been too long since lips touched his big dick. He came into my office to find out if he should have an affair or hire an escort to drain his balls. After I swallowed a few loads, I think he understood where he needs to go for those ball drainings.

Cuckold Phone Sex will Save Your Marriage

cuckold phone sexI am good at cuckold phone sex because my ex husbands gave me great practice. I was young and naïve with husband number one. I married for love and thought that meant I would grow to love his 4-inch thin dick. That never happened. Marriage number two I thought I had traded up because he had an 8-inch cock. I mean I doubled the dick size, right? Wrong. He was on so much medication that his nice cock was in a perpetual limp state. I took him to the curb too. The problem with both ex husbands is that neither understood my sexual needs. They thought love was enough. They thought I should forgo sexual pleasure to save their precious egos. True love doesn’t work that way. If you love your wife and you can’t satisfy her, you will lose her if you think she should remain faithful and just over look her sexual pleasure. I am a phone sex therapist and I will tell you that making your woman sacrifice her pleasure is not the way to go period. If anyone should suck it up, its you. Lick it up too. Being a cuckold is the way to save a marriage. Neither of my ex-husbands wanted to be my cuckolds. They didn’t think it was manly. It takes a man to put his ego aside for his woman’s sexual pleasure. If you have a big ego and a small cock, you need my help.

I’m a Cheater

Latina phone sex


Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit, who the fuck do you think you are you think you deserve to have sex with me. Guess what I’m not ever going to fuck you. I’m always going to take you right to the point of losing control, and then I’m going to get up and fucking leave. If you happen to be at my house, I am going to kick your ass the fuck out because you don’t mean shit to me you’re just a paycheck. I mean really who do you think you are with your small little dick you can’t even make me scream you make me mad. I can’t stand you I tried to like you, but it’s just not possible you’re so arrogant for nothing. You and your little bitty pink dick means nothing you should be in a dress you fucking sissy I should have a strap-on making you scream. You’re not a winner you’re a fucking loser a nobody, a complete nothing and you think you deserve me. For some reason I’m at a loss I cannot understand how someone like you could feel that you deserve someone like me. I love sex I love having sex I love one night stands I love being a dirty fucking whore, but you make me feel so bored. You can’t keep your little cock up for more than 10 minutes it’s disgusting it’s embarrassing, and it doesn’t turn me on loser. I’ve had enough of you. I am going to fuck your brother I’m going to let him suck my pussy, and I’m going to make you eat all of his creamy cum From my cum guzzling cunt. Your brother has been looking at my tight ass for so long he’s been telling me how he wants to bite my ass right in front of your face. Your brother calls you a wimp, and I do believe him he told me how he could fuck me for hours, and he’d love to put it on videotape I’m down for it. I’m going to suck his dick so fucking good that you’re going to feel it except for you’re not going to be getting it. I know that you deserve punishment for being so arrogant and stupid for thinking that you deserve sex from me and you’re never going to get it.

Femdom Phone Sex: Worship Me, Scum.

Femdom Phone Sex

   So, as some may be familiar I was doing coursework and it got so consuming I had to take a break. Well! That became a whole other ordeal and I am now insanely addicted to being the dominant seductress I was born to be. A couple of good friends took me to this fetish party and they got me to play Mistress a few times and it felt so exhilarating and pleasing to stand over these groveling men begging me to allow them to worship me. Now this is where it’s at and these Femdom sessions got me so free of the aggression and stress of Finals that I just fucking ditched the school gig and I found my calling. I do therapy sessions and always open to some kinky or naughty fetishes, but what I may love most right now is to get into some Femdoming your sweet ass.


More Cuckold Phone Sex Therapy in the Internet Age

cuckold phone sexCuckold phone sex therapy is in high demand lately. Internet porn is easily accessible on tablets and phones. You can watch porn from your office computer too. Guys are seeing a lot of dick in the technology age. A lot of dicks that are way bigger than their dicks. Now, men are understanding why wives cheat. They are better understanding that not all cocks are created equally. This leaves many men confused about their relationships. Their wives or girlfriends don’t go crazy for their cocks like the women in those porn videos. That is because most men don’t have a porn star cock. I am not saying every woman needs a porn star cock, but most women over 30 want a cock 7 inches or bigger. This mature sexy babe certainly does. I knew, like most women, that size mattered before porn was a key stroke away. Men with small dicks are calling for advice now more than ever. They want to know if their women are cheating. They want to know how to be better lovers. They all say things like, “I don’t have a dick like those black guys in porn movies.” I tell all the men calling me with small dicks that the best thing they can do for their women, is be their cuckold. Women need big dicks and if you don’t have a big dick, you shouldn’t stop your woman from getting the big dick she needs. You can enjoy yourself vicariously through her. If you wife is satisfied, you should be satisfied too. That is because your woman, should always cum first.

Phone Sex Therapist for Your Panty Problem

phone sex therapistA phone sex therapist is what every man needs. Honestly, I am cheaper than a psychiatrist and more fun to talk to also. Lyle had a problem he was too embarrassed to discuss with anyone, even his wife. Luckily, he found me. Lyle has a panty fetish. At first, I thought that was no big deal. I mean lots of men wear panties for numerous reasons. Lyle steals panties whenever he gets. He sneaks into the ladies’ locker room at the gym and lifts dirty pairs while the women are showering. He told me he has over 2,000 pairs of women’s panties. He has an obsession. He is a panty addict. He has gone as far as to rent a storage unit, so he can hide his fetish from his wife. I mean it would be hard to hide that many pairs of panties in your house undetected. I had to ask many questions to find the root of his obsession. He likes wearing women’s panties. He likes jacking off in women’s panties and he loves to sniff dirty panties. He even goes to laundromats to lift dirty undies. I wasn’t going to fix a man with that many panties. My goal was to keep him from being arrested for his fetish. I told him how to approach women. Many women will masturbate in their panties for men. I sell my panties to men just like Lyle. Money is not a problem for him, so I suggested paying women for their panties instead of stealing them from places that might get him arrested. Sexy women masturbating in their panties gives him the smell he wants and gives some woman a few extra bucks. It is a win win situation. I even promised him a pair of my wet undies. I may not be able to fix you, but I can help you have your fetish and remain under the radar.

Phone humiliation will be your therapy

phone humiliationPhone humiliation is a key part of your therapy with me, I know that you don’t like it but it has to be this way. You have a tiny little penis and a huge ego, those two things just can not go together no matter how much you may want them to. You need to be taken down a peg and I am just the one to help you achieve that goal. Look I know that you think you are god’s gift to women but you are so not at all anything approaching that. You have the smallest cock I have ever seen and you are weak as hell! A real man could pick me up, you can’t. A real man could fuck me for hours, you cum in less than thirty seconds. We are going to start off your therapy by making you watch me with a real man. You will watch him fuck me, you will see what a real man does and how he satisfies me and if I feel like you have made enough progress, I might let you play clean up boy after he is done. We will just have to see how you act.