Tag: phone sex therapist

Your Brutally Honest Phone Sex Therapist

phone sex therapistI love being a phone sex therapist. It gives me great pleasure to tell men that their wives are cheating on them because they have small dicks. It never gets old. Guys call me daily to ask me questions about their wives’ behavior. I think they already know. They just want me to confirm their suspicions. Maybe, they even want some humiliation. Tony seemed like a smart man. Harvard educated with a great job at a top advertising firm. Yet, he was so dumb about his trophy wife. She is wife number two and half his age. She travels a lot for work and she is a Pilates instructor. According to him, she has three day trips monthly to improve her skills. She spends lots of time in other people’s homes teaching Pilates. She is hot. He needs Viagra to fuck his wife with his 4 inch dick. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know she is out screwing guys with bigger dicks than her husband. I would be too. She sneaks around because of the prenuptial agreement. I gave him an honest assessment of his marriage. Men in his situation can either divorce their cheating wife or accept the fact that they married a woman well out of their league because they have money and let her fuck who she wants because other men will be envious because they have a hot wife. I mean when it comes to needing a big dick, women will create elaborate lies. We will deny deny deny too. We want our cock and our nice lives. Men need to wake up and realize how sexy it is to have a slut wife. My style of brutally honest phone sex therapy isn’t for everyone. I will not sugar coat your situation or coddle you. I will tell you, however, how to make the best out of having a slut wife who needs more than your little dick and your money to be happy. Money doesn’t equal sexual happiness.

Good to the last drop

phone sex therapist

Yes sweetie, I really am a phone sex therapist. But I like to take a hands-on approach with the huge pecker you have hiding in your pants. We can discuss anything that you wish as long as while your talking I can have that delicious cock in my mouth. I am sure that you won’t be able to concentrate too much on what is going through your head. That is kind of the point. When you wrap your hands around my ponytail and starting fucking my mouth. I can feel all the stress of your week start to flow into my mouth. That is when I start sucking extra hard making sure that I drain every last drop from your balls. As I grab a drink off my desk I grab my business card with your next appointment date already written on it.

Phone Sex Therapist and Size Queen

phone sex therapistI love being a phone sex therapist. I get to talk to all kinds of men and hear about their fetishes and issues. Cuckolds are my favorite. I was married to two cuckolds and I have counseled countless others. Many, like my two ex-husbands, I turned into cuckolds. Some turn easily, some don’t turn without a fight. Those are my favorite. Bill is my latest cuckold conquest. He is a fellow teacher, married, but has been trying to fuck me for a year now. I don’t do married men. Now, it is not because I am high and mighty. It is that I like to be the center of a man’s world and when you are the other woman, that is not possible. Now for Bill, my guess was he had a small cock too. When you are a sexy babe and a cock size queen, you get good at separating the boys from the men. You are probably self aware about your tiny dick or you wouldn’t be reading my blog. Most men, however, delude themselves into thinking size doesn’t matter until they meet me, and I set them straight. I was right about Bill. He had a four-inch hard cock, which would do nothing but fall out of me. Of course, he was like “let’s try.”  My alternative approach was for him to watch my grad assistant bang me.  My college stud has about a 9-inch cock. He is thick too. Bill thought I was joking until he was restrained to my chair with a pair of my pantyhose watching a boy half his age with a cock twice his size pound me on my office desk. Like many men, seeing is believing. Bill needed to see how much pleasure another man gave me; how much bigger another man’s cock was to accept the fact that I am out of his league. Turned out he enjoyed small dick humiliation. Maybe you will too.

Phone Sex Therapist Farah

phone sex therapistPhone sex therapist is what people call me. I don’t just counsel guys who pay me. I counsel students and friends too. Earlier in the week I got a call from a teacher friend of mine. Last year he married a girl way out of his league and half his age. I was suspicious of why they got married, then I discovered she was a mail order bride. She was looking for a stable man to get her green card. He called me upset because he thinks Tatiana is cheating on him. I was just surprised to find out it took him a year to figure that out. She is a hot 22-year-old and he is a frumpy dumpy 50-year-old man with a comb over and most likely a small dick. He comes from money; he teaches because he wants too, not because he needs the income. My guess was she knew he had family money and figured she could endure anything to leave Russia. Sometimes phone sex therapy is hard to deliver. I gave him a wake-up call. I had him check her panties in the hamper. Sure enough they all had cum stains. Of course, she was cheating. She is fucking hot. The female teachers would all do her over him. He is one of those desperate love lorn men. I told him if he really loves her, he will let her have all the big cock she can handle. He can divorce her and lose the hottest woman he will ever have, or he could be her cuckold husband. Think about it guys. If your woman is way out of your league and you have a small cock, you will not keep her happy. Let her fuck whoever she wants if you can say you are married to a hot woman. If you want to be a great husband, watch her fuck a big dick. Get her ready for her play dates. Maybe get some sloppy seconds. When you call me for advice, it may not always be what you want to hear but it will be what you need to hear.

Erotic Roleplaying in the Bedroom

erotic roleplayingErotic roleplaying in the bedroom is hot. I love naughty bedroom roleplays. I have this college boy I have been tutoring for his grad school exams this summer. We do more fucking than studying. No amount of studying will help him because he doesn’t want to go to grad school. It is his parents pipe dream, not his. He may ruin the family name by getting into porn. He has a huge cock and he is great between the sheets. He is creative too. He set up this naughty roleplay for us last night and he even brought supplies.  I was the naughty teacher and he was the bad student. I am a teacher and he is my student sort of, so it was not an extreme role reversal. The nerdy clothes he wore, and the chalk board and other school supplies made it feel more authentic. I put on a business suit to look more professional and let the student seduce me. It is hot to be the one being pursued. I love it when a student is hot for teacher. The roleplay was that I caught him cheating on a test, so I detained him after school to punish him. He ended up punishing me with his big hard cock up my ass. He bent the teacher over the desk, yanked off my panties and shoved his cock up my ass with force. I am normally a dominant mature woman, but he wanted to be in control; he wanted to own my pussy. When a guy has a huge dick that feels like heaven inside me, he usually gets his way. Being a phone sex therapist, I see too many little dicks. When a big manly cock comes around, I get weak, even if he is half my age. My pupil and I fucked for hours, not ever opening anything but my legs.

Phone Sex Therapy for Cuckolds

phone sex therapyHe needed phone sex therapy badly. His wife has been cheating on him a lot longer than he thinks. Wives always cheat long before their loser hubbies catch on. Denny’s tale was not unusual. I hear it over and over from cuckold men who have no clue they are being cuckolded. Wife suddenly going to the gym or yoga daily but wears make-up. Wife suddenly interested in her appearance. Wife never has time for sex. Wife showers when comes home from the gym but isn’t in gym clothes. Wife suddenly secretive with her phone and seems to be texting a lot more than usual. The first thing I ask any caller with a story like this is how big is his dick. I really should phrase it like, “how small is your dick.” Almost every man with a cheating wife has a small dick. The few that have a nice size cock, usually have dick issues that require a little blue pill and a 2-4 hour window to see the benefit. Guys amaze me in their stupidity. As women mature, things like dick size and timely erections mater more to their sexual pleasure. Guys with cheating wives have three choices: ignore it, divorce her or be her cuckold. I recommend the later every time.  Being a cuckold is the best option for men with tiny dicks. At least you can watch and participate in your wife’s sexual exploits. Chances of you finding another lover are slim. If your own wife doesn’t want to fuck you, why would a stranger?  As a phone sex therapist, I help men like Denny understand their options and make the best choice. If a man loves his wife, he should want her sexual happiness even if that means she must fuck other men. Don’t be a double loser by being an asshole who doesn’t want his woman sexually satisfied.

Sexy sounds

mature phone sex  My favorite days are the ones spent doing mature phone sex. I masturbate out of boredom so its great to have someone to get of with. I love that we can share different things we are watching with each other. My favorite is the pussy pounding clips. When I am here with my favorite dildo I imagine that it’s you pounding my cunt. I never need any extra lubrication because my pussy stays wet with you on the phone. You know exactly how to turn me on when we talk. Especially those sexy ass sounds that you make right before you cum. I love that sound it is how I know that I am doing something right. Maybe that’s why you keep coming back for more.

Sexy Women Masturbating Can Help You Improve Your Jack Off Time

sexy women masturbatingSexy women masturbating is a natural and beautiful thing. I may be a size queen, but I don’t always need a hard cock to have a good time. I have been playing with my pussy longer than I have been fucking. Last night, I went to a Pure Romance party that a friend of mine was hosting. If you don’t know what that is, let me enlighten you. It is a sex toy party for women and couples.  As a mature woman, I always have sex toys on hand. But, a woman like me can never have enough. To give you an idea of how much I enjoy self pleasure, I bought $600 worth of new toys and lubricants. I love to masturbate. I do it several times a day. Just ask my neighbor. He spies on me while I do it. I have many mutual masturbation stories to share. The wind gets me horny nowadays. I think it is because I am in my sexual prime. I love helping my callers discover new ways to jack off as well as providing them with some guided masturbation techniques designed to help them last longer. If you are a chronic masturbator or a quick cummer, this sexy woman masturbating can help you get more from your self pleasure exploration.

Phone sex Therapy for Couples

phone sex therapyPhone sex therapy for couples is my favorite. I love talking to a married couple. I like being part of a hot threesome too. A couple I helped years ago paid me a visit over the weekend. They were former neighbors. The wife was cheating on her husband, not because he had a small dick, however. He has a nice cock, but back then he didn’t know how to use it. What good is 9 inches if you can’t make your woman cum? Naturally, she sought the comfort of men who could make her cum. When she confided this to me years ago, I told her she was missing a huge opportunity. She was married to a hung man who needed a naughty teacher in the bedroom.  A man wants to know how to please a woman and no two women like to be pleased the same way. I faulted her for not telling her husband how to make her cum. I had a few home sessions with them. He had the means to please lots of women, he just needed some guidance. I showed him how to eat her pussy. I showed him how to make her squirt, which he didn’t even know was possible. Neither did she! You need to be comfortable with your body. You need to know what makes you feel good, so you can convey that to others. They were both grateful to me for teaching them how to have great sex. If her husband had a small cock, I would have supported her cheating, but if a woman has a hung man in her bed, I just need to teach them how to please each other. I made a sex therapy porn with former neighbors. I love being a third wheel to a hot couple. This weekend, I was no wheel. They made me the center of their attention to thank me for making their sex life great. I love helping other have the best sex they can. Can I help you? The doctor is in.


The Best Phone Sex

best phone sexBest phone sex calls require honesty. I am a blunt woman. Guys call me to tell me about their problems. I listen to men whine about not getting laid. If a guy isn’t getting laid by his woman something is up and chances are it is not his dick. Karl called me this morning with the familiar story of how him and his girlfriend never have sex after he takes her out for a fancy dinner. They have been dating for months now. They had sex once, but since then she has excuse after excuse for why they can’t fuck. She is happy to drain his wallet but not his balls. I asked the tough question. I asked him how big his dick was and if it got hard easily. Old Karl has a four-inch cock. He even added a 1/4 to his dick size. Now that is desperate to sound big. Come on Karl. You have a small dick and you are dating out of your league. A hot sexy woman of any age can have just about any man she wants. She sure as hell is not going to settle for a man with 4 1/4 inch dick. Men make the mistake of thinking women owe them something for taking them out. I owe you nothing but a thank you for showing me an enjoyable time. If you are spending lots of money on a woman and not getting any action in return, ask yourself, “is my dick bigger than 7 inches?” If the answer is no, there is the problem. Buy yourself a pocket pussy and consider dating less attractive women. The hot girls will go out with you, but they are fucking other men. You are a free meal, someone else is the good fuck. Consider that some free phone sex therapy boys.