Being a phone sex therapist is informed by my day job. I am history teacher and human anatomy instructor, or sex education teacher. Students come to my office hours all the time with sex questions. I counsel students constantly about their sexual issues. Yesterday, a young girl came to me to complain about her boyfriend. I don’t think she wanted help as much as she wanted to vent. He has a big dick. Size wasn’t the issue, but as I told her, what good is a big cock if you don’t know how to use it. I will take a 7 inch dick over a foot long dong any day if the smaller cock knows how to use what he has for my pleasure. Some men put forth zero effort and rely solely on their big dick. Women need foreplay. We need lubricated with fingers and tongues. Guys who just think women are ready for 12 inches of hard cock in their pussies with no foreplay are as bad as the guys with 2 inch dicks who think they are god’s gift to women. I told her to kick him to the curb because a man who won’t eat pussy or give a woman an ounce of foreplay doesn’t care about her pleasure. He is a loser like the guy with a turtle dick incapable of giving a woman an orgasm. I don’t need a 12 inch dick, but I don’t want less than 7 inches either. Sexy chicks who are size queens, however, will take an above average cock over a monster cock any day if the man that cock belongs too will eat pussy. Smaller guys, average guys work harder in the bedroom. I am willing to reward hard effort with my mature pussy. So, ask yourself if you really satisfy the ladies with your porn star monster dick. If not, maybe you need some phone therapy.
Tag: phone sex therapist
Small Dick Humiliation
Small dick humiliation is something a cock size queen is good at giving. I did a call with a guy yesterday who was so small it was like his dick was invisible. It was a micro penis. A turtle hiding in its shell. He sent me pictures. It was hard to contain my laughter. I have seen small dicks, but I think this was the smallest dick I have ever not seen. It was so small I couldn’t see it with cheaters on. I had to share the photos with my fellow phone sex sluts. They all got a good laugh. Then we talked about how sad it must be to be him. Girls don’t want to fuck him. They don’t want to marry him either. He knew he was small. He was self aware at least. I asked him why he was calling. He likes candid women. He didn’t need phone sex therapy. He knew he had a micro dick. He just enjoyed the laughter of a sexy mature woman. When you have a micro dick, you don’t have many options with the ladies. You can be a cuckold. You can be a sissy. You can be entertainment. Do you have a micro penis? I could us another good laugh.
I save it
My husband is such a pain. He always wants to hear about my cocksucking phone sex calls. Obviously being married as long as we have he already knows the skills in which I possess with my mouth. He is just not lucky enough to receive it anymore. I would rather use my skills with the clients that come into my office. Some men have never known the softness of a tongue against the shaft of their cock, or the slippery feeling of someone’s mouth wrapped around their dick. Or even the feeling of busting their load into luscious lips like mine. These are some of the things the Doc helps you with. And if I gave it to my husband there wouldn’t be any left for you.
Cuckold Phone Sex Therapy Makes You a Better Man
Cuckold phone sex therapy is necessary for you to be a good husband. Ask yourself a few questions. How big is my dick? Does my wife seem to enjoy fucking me? Does my wife get off from my cock or is a lot of foreplay required? Does she avoid having sex with me? First, if you don’t know if your wife or girlfriend is getting sexual pleasure, you need some therapy. Shame on you for not knowing if your partner is enjoying herself. A good man, a good husband puts his wife’s sexual needs first. You should know what you woman enjoys in the bedroom. You should know if she is enjoying herself period. Now, let us address the issue of cock size. What is considered big varies among women. Things like body size, age and motherhood can affect what the pussy needs for pleasure. I am in my forties; I am a mother and I have a high mileage pussy. That mean s I am a cock size queen who needs at least 7 hard inches for sexual pleasure. I am a phone sex therapist. I won’t blow smoke up your ass and tell you what a great cock you have or how great a lover you are, especially if you have a small dick and no skills in the bedroom. My concern is for your woman. I want to make sure she is getting all the pleasure she deserves and wants. Sometimes the only thing you can do for her pleasure, is get her a surrogate lover. Many men balk at that idea but let me ask you this. Do you love your woman? If you do, then get your head out of your ass and get her a real man. A man who can make her cum. Phone sex therapy is waiting for you to help you be a better man for that special woman in your life.