As a phone sex therapist, I talk to all sorts of men with a slew of kinks, fetishes and issues. I must be honest, however. Cuckolds are my favorite. Why? Because it takes a special kind of man to be so pathetic he would suck cock and take it up his back door to please a woman. I have a theory on cuckolds. I think many cuckold men are just gay for cock and either in denial or in the closet about their cock desires. I know the saying, “anything for love,” but does love make a man swallow another man’s cum or is it homosexuality? A real man has limits, even for the love of his life. I cuckolded two ex-husbands. If they didn’t want to suck dick and offer up a warm hole to keep a big cock hard, they would not have done it. They took cock because they had either latent or blatant homosexual tendencies. Under the guise of pleasing their cock size queen wife, they sucked dick and got fucked in the ass. Men with small dicks are just as curious about big cocks as women. Admit it; cuckold phone sex, being a cuckold, fascinates you too. You want to know what a big cock feels like in your mouth and back door pussy as much, maybe even more, as your wife or girlfriend. I get it. You don’t have to lie to me about just wanting to please the goddess in your life. I will have just as much fun with you as a submissive man as I will as a gay man. Think back. I bet there has been a time or two when you checked out the men in the locker room and realized one of these things was not like the other. You got a little chubby looking at all the real dick that surrounded you. Phone sex therapy can help you embrace your gay side. You don’t have to lie to me or yourself any longer.
Tag: phone sex therapist
As a Phone Sex Therapist, I Love Cuckolds
Phone Sex Therapist Double Penetrated
Being a phone sex therapist, I get lots and lots of sex everyday. It’s always a real treat, though, when I get double penetration. I was getting ready to leave my office for the day when my last client finally showed up. He was 45 minutes late for his appointment, citing a traffic accident and dead cell phone as the reasons. We were just getting into his session good when my date for the night showed up. I had, of course, messaged him to let him know that I’d be running late. He showed himself in just as I had started riding my client’s dick. My client’s big stress reliever is anal, so that left my cunt wide open. When my date nodded toward me, I guess my client said yes, because my date started getting naked, too. In minutes, I was being pounded in both holes, filled up so much. My body was taking a beating, and being pleasured so thoroughly, that I got off well before either of them, and they just kept going.
Phone Sex Therapist Farah
Word is out what a great phone sex therapist I am. I have a few specialties, but my clients are mostly cuckolds and sissies. Sometimes they are sissy cuckolds. Peter, who I now call Pam, is a sissy cuckold. When we first started talking, he was wearing his wife’s panties. He had a small cock and I told him his shrinky dink belonged in his wife’s panties. He was swimming in his boxer briefs. I bet you are too. I gave him little tasks like going to glory holes to get some real dick. Eventually, I had him come out to his wife about being a dirty cock sucking sissy. I wanted her to make him her cuckold. She did too. In fact, she loved the idea of one of her manly lovers skull fucking her pansy husband. He sent me pictures of one of her lovers reaming his sissy ass. Dressing as a girl, helped his wife’s lover fuck him hard. Some men love a sissy too, especially one already feminized. My caller went from a panty wearing sissy to a sissy cuckold fluffer. I helped him find his proper place in his wife’s life. I can help you too with some phone sex therapy.
Phone Sex Therapy Foursome
My therapist and I had decided to meet at my office for Halloween. I needed a session, and we wanted to go out and do our own things directly afterward. We had just gotten into my session really well when her date for the evening showed up. Rather than making him wait outside, I had my receptionist send him on through. No sooner had we gotten him comfortable, and ourselves on our knees at his dick than a client of mine showed up and barged past my receptionist. He walked in on me and my therapist licking her date off, and immediately decided that he would join in. Before I knew it, he was undressed and thrusting his big, beautiful cock into my tight little ass. He started drilling me from behind, hard enough to shake my entire body as I licked and helped to suck off my therapist’s date. I guess that was a little more than her date was prepared to handle, because he started spurting off, and we had to work to keep up with his cum. We didn’t want him getting any of his outfit OR my rugs dirty! Next thing I knew, my client was cumming deep in my ass, hands holding me tight up against him as he shot off into me. Then, it was just a matter of my therapist and myself to worry about getting off.
Phone Sex Therapist for Couples
I love being a phone sex therapist. Callers tell me things they would never tell their partners. Sometimes, I get to do couples counseling, which is always fun for me. Last night I talked for an hour with a man and his wife. Their situation is like many of my callers. Sexually frustrated wife but she doesn’t want to cheat. Husband has a small cock, thinks his wife should take a lover. Where do I come in, you ask? I helped the wife understand that her need for sexual pleasure supersedes her husband’s pride. Men with little cocks shouldn’t have any pride. What is there to be proud of? A three inch limp dick? I told his wife that I cuckolded two husbands and countless men. I explained it is not cheating if her husband wants her to cheat. I explained that cuckolding is very common in the modern age. She asked me some questions and we watched a few cuckolding videos together. Consider it sex therapy porn. Seeing is believing. Of course, I showed her some black cock cuckolding videos, so she was a true believer after wards. It is funny to me that wives are the ones more hesitant to cuckold their husbands. I know as a once sexually frustrated wife, I had no problem cheating. I was in my sexual prime. I knew I needed to get fucked, so I found myself working hard cocks. If you have a wife that needs a little urging, remember I do offer couples phone sex therapy too.