I just couldn’t help myself today, I fucked one of my teachers. Mr. Jacobs is just to hot to not want to fuck him. He always looks so perfect and he gives this perfect grin, which I got to see while riding his huge cock. I always knew he had a bit since it bulges in his pants, but damn I didn’t know it was this big!! I came in after school for some tutoring, what he didn’t know was I didn’t want help in English I wanted to learn how to ride a cock perfectly. I am definitely learning that. It started off like nothing out of the ordinary but then I limb on top of him in his chair and gave him a lap dance. He didn’t stop me so I started to strip, and then his hands started to wander and I let them. He made me moan just by touching me. I slipped his cock out and suck it some then climbed all the way on. God it is huge! I bounce and grind and writhe all over his cock, loving every moment. I will definitely need to do this again to get better, but he said he is available any time I need some tutoring so I must have done something right.
Category: Sexy babe
We have the cheapest phone sex right here!
Did you know that we have the cheapest phone sex right here? I know, I know, everyone says that but not only do we really mean it here, we have specials to back that up! I could not be easier to get one either, just ask me for one when you call, that’s it. Currently we have 4 specials to choose from, first up is the 21 minute special. You get 21 minutes with me for only $31 for US callers or $41.50 for international callers, isn’t that a great deal? If 21 minutes isn’t enough time for you, we have the 33 minute special where you get 33 minutes with me for only $48 for US callers and $64.50 for international callers. Then for the gentleman that really likes to take his time we have the 75 minute special! That gets you 75 minutes with me for only $125 for Us callers or $162.50 for international callers! That is a fantastic deal! Plus we even have a deal for those men that need 2 girls to take care of them, you can get 2 girls for 15 minutes for only $50 for US callers and $75 international! I know that I have a special that is perfect for you!
Sexy chat with my mom’s boy toy
I am such a whore. My mother got this new boyfriend and he is like my age. I do not know what she was thinking. I might still have some hostility built up about the fact that she left my dad. Well today I am hanging out with her boy toy and they are throwing a party, since I met this dude he has been constantly checking me out and eye fucking me. My mother is too stupid to catch on but let’s see exactly what this guy is about. He is going to be the first one to make the move also. We are all drinking and I am purposely making it really hard for him to look away. I decide I am going to go to the bathroom and freshen up and guess who is trailing behind me? My mommy’s toy! Oh how fun, I’ll take my sweet time closing the door so that he can barge through. Guys like him are so predictable. I think I am going to steal her boy ha! He pushes my up against the sink and starts getting extremely handsy. My pussy is getting rubbed and my tits are getting groped. He slips his dick out of his bathing suit pants and right into my cunt. His dick is fast and long. I see why my mommy likes him now. He is pumping hard and fast in and out of me.