Category: Best phone sex

Tutor slut

naughty teacherI have been offering tutor sessions for those who I feel need extra one on one help with a naughty teacher like me. I know it’s hard to resist my hot young latina body. I want to prey on the boys on the football team. Even though they are only a few years younger than me it makes me feel so empowered to get them to do everything in their power to score some time alone with this sexy Spanish teacher. I will show you how to master more than basic latin root words. I know you will be focused on me the whole time. I feel the best when I have a nice rock hard cock in all my holes.

A for Ass Fetish

ass fetishHe told me he had an ass fetish and it was unfair that I wore tight skirts that highlighted my ample ass.  That was his excuse for not doing well on a test. I wasn’t sure if it was bullshit or the truth. I do have a nice ass and I love to flaunt it at the school boys. I decided to test him again privately. He showed up at my office and I explained, he could take the exam again or he could fuck my ass like a porn star. I waited for what I said to register because I was all business like in my talk. I knew he wasn’t expecting an invitation to make an ass sex porn with the hot teacher. His head spun around a few times when he realized what his two choices were. I just nodded as if he was asking if he heard me correctly. I pointed to his pants and he understood what I meant. He unbuckled his belt; his jeans came off and soon he was holding his young hard cock in front of me. He wanted to fuck the teacher’s ass. I wanted it too once I saw how big his cock was. I love ass sex, especially with younger guys. They have grown up on ass porn. They watch it often, but none of the coeds give up the booty, so they need a sexy milf to fuck up the ass. If the student has a big dick, I will take his cock up my backdoor! He was in a state of disbelief until his lubed cock was up my ass. Then, he knew it was real. I bounced my mature ass up and down his hard cock until his nuts exploded. He lasted a solid 20 minutes fucking the ass of his naughty teacher, which impressed me. This time, he got an A. An A for ass fucking.

Teasing You with CJ

best phone sex

You fucking wish someone as sexy as me and CJ would touch that little microscopic cock of yours! You met us at a college party, which you were clearly too old to be at. You weren’t really attractive, but we could tell you were rich. You were very suave with your Rolex and Armani suit. I must admit I do love shiny things, and I know CJ does too. We came up to you, and started flirting a little. It didn’t take long until we were pulling up to your huge fancy house in your brand new Lamborghini. Once inside, me and CJ put on a little strip tease for you, but when we started stripping you is when the teasing really began. We simply couldn’t contain our laughter when we saw your cock, or lack there of. Your cock was so small it could probably pass as a clitoris. You got off on us laughing at you and teasing you. You were literally on your knees begging us to let you cum, but with a cock that small there is no way I was letting you cum for free. Me and CJ left with $50,000 each, and you drove us home covered in your own cum. Just because I let you cum doesn’t mean I will let you clean yourself up. You deserve to be covered in your own dried cum for wasting our time!

best phone sex

Wicked bitches have the best Cunts

Naughty neighbor phone sex

Yesterday was a hard day for my best friend; unfortunately, she lost an exceptional guy in her life. Well, she lost him, and I found him, so I guess it was like a sad day for her and a perfect day for me. My friend, she thought that she was the slut of the year, giving her boyfriend head in front of me letting me see that huge thick dick of his. I thought to myself wow what a big fucking dick I can’t wait to put that big dick inside of my mouth and in my cunt and in my gaping asshole. As I watched my friend take that big fat cock all I could do was lust for it. She called me over she asked me if I wanted some, of course, I replied that’s what turned the whole night into the best night ever for me. I came over I grab this hard pulsating cock I stuffed it so deep down my throat that you could see his dick print bulging from my neck. Her boyfriend loved the fact that my mouth had his 9-inch cock all the way to the balls. I knew that he was majorly fucking impressive in bed by looking at them, but I had no idea that he was going to rock my world like he did. She, my girlfriend that is started to suck my pussy and dig her long tongue into my cunt like it was an arrow. I squeezed my cut muscles together as she dug her tongue deep inside of my pussy. Her boyfriend I guess he couldn’t help but to stuff that cock down my throat over and over, I really think he couldn’t stop. I felt like my face was being fucked massively good while I was fucking another face. Before you know it he grabbed her head and waved it out of the way and drove is big fat cock inside of my wet sloppy pussy his cock was so huge I screamed. I felt the passion that I had not felt in such a long time, and I indulged in it. I threw my hot wet pussy back at him better than a slutty cheerleader, and he loved it. I Road her boyfriend’s cock like a track star on a horse track, I was trying to win, and you can imagine that I did. I will end this little Story by telling you that I won in the end because the sex between her ex-boyfriend and myself only gets Wilder and better you could call us extreme.

Fired Due To Sexual Harassment

Mature phone sex

I really do not need to work, but I was getting a little bored so I decided to branch out.  I found a job, which at first I loved, that is until I was fired.  Can you believe that? Me?! Fired? I have never ever been fired from any job that I had in my life.  I suppose the company had a valid reason, however, I didn’t think the incident warranted a firing.  People have no sense of adventure anymore.  You tell me if you would of fired me over this slight digression. 

There was a younger man in the office that I managed.  I would see him every day sitting at his cubicle  diligently working away, trying ever so hard to climb that ladder.  A few months went by when my Assistant had to leave her position.  I took it upon myself to request this young man due to him showing so much enthusiasm toward work.  At least that is what I said, what I meant was that I wanted to watch him fuck someone while I watched.  I couldn’t say that of course so I told a teeny little lie to get what I wanted.

Things were going fantastic!  I had him wrapped around my little finger in no time at all.  I would give him little “bonuses” here and there.  You know, like jacking him off in my office, letting him cum on my boobs, things like that.  This went on for awhile, then I told him I wanted to watch him with someone else.  I wouldn’t participate, I would just watch.  He decided; after a few weeks of me talking him into it; that he would take his girlfriend to a hotel, and I could hide and watch.  I told him that it would have to be a suite, otherwise there would be no where for me to hide.  Arrangements were made.

I showed up early, placed myself behind one of the sofas and waited until things moved into the bedroom.  I saw the lights go off in the room I was, waited until they brushed their teeth, yadda, yadda.  Then I saw just soft candle light, that was my cue.  I moved across the room, and stood just outside the light.  We all know it is much easier to peer into the light from the dark then to peer into the dark from the light, plus, they were already engaged in foreplay.  I watched him take her from behind, then she climbed on top, then she sucked her pussy juice off of his cock, all this went on and on.  I wasn’t really paying attention to her face, I really didn’t care what she looked like.  Then, he hit a candle and knocked it to the floor.  I could see it, burning, not going out.  I decided I didn’t want to burn to death in a fire just because I was watching people fuck so I cleared my throat very loudly.  Their heads popped up, she screamed.  I actually laughed.  I said, “You knocked a candle over!”, walked over and stomped it out.

She was not happy from what he told me in the text messages afterward.  I left after I put out the candle, I wasn’t going to stick around for the aftermath.  Turns out, he was fucking the Daughter of the CEO  of the company.  One thing lead to another, I was called into HR and accused of Sexual Harassment and that is an automatic firing.  I couldn’t deny it, the girl saw who I was, there was communication between him and I discussing sexual acts and what not.

It doesn’t really matter though, I had fun while it lasted.  

Putting Out The Fire

Fantasy phone sexI Have a client who loves my fireman outfit! It is the only outfit I wear for him. I come rushing into his office to put out the fire in his pants. And the only way the fire can be put out is with my ass. I cawl up to him backwards wiggling my ass at him. I beg for him to let me take care of that burning fire trapped in his suit pants. He is a wicked kinky man and he turns me on so fucking much. Sometimes he will make a call to his wife as he sticks his cock in my ass. It gets him off just as much as it gets me off. She won’t take it in the ass and he will talk to her and as he is fucking me almost like a virtual slap in her prude face. When he dumps his load he will tell her how much he loves her. Listening to his conversion to the one he vowed to be faithful to as he ass fucks me is such a fucking turn on.

Your Brutally Honest Phone Sex Therapist

phone sex therapistI love being a phone sex therapist. It gives me great pleasure to tell men that their wives are cheating on them because they have small dicks. It never gets old. Guys call me daily to ask me questions about their wives’ behavior. I think they already know. They just want me to confirm their suspicions. Maybe, they even want some humiliation. Tony seemed like a smart man. Harvard educated with a great job at a top advertising firm. Yet, he was so dumb about his trophy wife. She is wife number two and half his age. She travels a lot for work and she is a Pilates instructor. According to him, she has three day trips monthly to improve her skills. She spends lots of time in other people’s homes teaching Pilates. She is hot. He needs Viagra to fuck his wife with his 4 inch dick. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know she is out screwing guys with bigger dicks than her husband. I would be too. She sneaks around because of the prenuptial agreement. I gave him an honest assessment of his marriage. Men in his situation can either divorce their cheating wife or accept the fact that they married a woman well out of their league because they have money and let her fuck who she wants because other men will be envious because they have a hot wife. I mean when it comes to needing a big dick, women will create elaborate lies. We will deny deny deny too. We want our cock and our nice lives. Men need to wake up and realize how sexy it is to have a slut wife. My style of brutally honest phone sex therapy isn’t for everyone. I will not sugar coat your situation or coddle you. I will tell you, however, how to make the best out of having a slut wife who needs more than your little dick and your money to be happy. Money doesn’t equal sexual happiness.

Obsessed with your dick and wallet

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The only thing better than a big bank account is a big dick. Big dicks aren’t common as much as guys like to brag about what they have down south. Men with talented big cocks usually are like unicorns. I have been with plenty of guys who have huge peckers but can’t perform with them. Whats the point of having a Bugatti if you can’t maneuver it 😉 I’m a sexy babe who loves to have her Latina holes pounded and I especially love when I feel you stretching my twat and giving me every bit of your precious cream. You wan’t me to call you Papi you need to show me what you are working with. I love a Papi with a big one and one who can spoil my sweet ass as well.

You know you want this

best phone sexOh honey you know you want this! That’s what I said to the pathetic little cucky boy that was watching me suck and enormous dick. Honestly I wasn’t sure which he wanted more… me or my well endowed lover! He was lusting over that big cock, begging me to allow him to suck it so that he could get it hard for me but I just wouldn’t let him. I made him watch me play with that cock and then I made him help guide that massive dick into my pussy and it was amazing! It stretched me out bigger than that lil cucky’s dick could that’s for sure, he had a pathetic little 2 inch dick as big around as my pinkie finger. His dick was just as pathetic as he was, that’s why he got no satisfaction at all!

The Maid’s Tongue is Bigger

I would rather have your maid tongue bathe my pussy than touch that tiny thing you call your cock. You picked me up at a college party, you were good looking, so I let you take me home. Your house was huge and beautiful, and had to be worth millions. When we walked in we were greeted by a very sexy maid, and I invited her to join us in the bedroom. She took my hand and led me to your fancy bedroom. We all started making out, and it didn’t take long before the cloths started coming off. I anticipated this, but when I looked down at what looked like it should have been your cock, I was really face to face with disappointment. Me and the maid looked at each other, and busted out laughing. We spent the night making fun of you, and finger fucking and tongue fucking each other. We wouldn’t let you touch your little ding-a-ling no matter how much you begged, but you came anyway, without even touching that little thing. You’ll have to be punished for cumming without permission.

best phone sex