My feet took me to the strangest places in my youth, including exhibitionist sex. I remember this one party where the wealth ran like a waterfall, and everyone was born with a silver spoon that shined of lusty delight. I’d snuck off a little to get away from the stuffy environment and get some air, and tripped right into a studly man who picked me up right on the spot. “Oh um, thank-mnnn-” My lips were interrupted mid-thank you by his. He pressed against me, drove his tongue deep and explored in ways I was very much not ready for. My dress was lifted up, my panties moved aside, and his drawers dropped in a practiced motion that I was far too drunk to pay attention to. The wine had also ran like a waterfall, and I was pretty sure my pussy would be too in a second given he wasn’t giving me a moment to even make a faux attempt to tell him to stop. “Hau!” I’d cried out in surprise as I was entered, my pussy devoured by his hungry cock, slipping deeper without even a second’s delay. “Holy shit!” He got fucking me hard and smacking my ass against the wall, his hands holding me tight and sturdy so he could rut himself into a sperm-filled volley deep inside me.
Category: Roleplay phone sex
Surprise Exhibitionist sex at a party!
Be my vacation boy toy
“You must be Mila.” He said. He had a deep rich voice.
“I am.” I replied. He walked in the room and gently closed the door behind him.
“Suck it good Ma. Like the good little cunt you are.” He demanded. I didn’t need
no one telling me how to suck dick. I gobble dicks for fun. But I was in the moment with
“Mmm hmm.” I replied with a mouthful of dick.
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A Hot sexy woman knows exactly how to use their assets for personal gain… I could never be a housewife, I would much rather be a whore! I couldn’t see myself falling apart for a man when I can use my persuasion to get what I want out of life. Men are mules, times may have changed but I have not forgotten their worth.. That’s right sucker pay me, this is where your money belongs! It’s your fate, here you are looking for attention and you know the only way to get it from a hot girl like me is through Financial domination phone sex.
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Repeat after me “I am nothing more than a slave for Goddess Eden.” That’s all you are and all you will ever be. Whether it’s for me or another goddess. You radiate “bitch” there is no denying who you are. — leaned forward with my scam pillows in your sweaty face, pay up! Go ahead, place your card right between my Large boobs and watch me drain you of every cent. You want my attention, you’re going to have to pay for it.