I told my new sugar daddy that if he got me a ride, he can take a ride- if you know what I mean. 😉 Last weekend, he led me into the garage and showed me my brand-new cherry red convertible. My pussy got so wet from the site of that sexy car and I began to strip off my clothes and laid on the hood with my legs in the air. My sugar daddy loves spoiling his princess and got rock hard at the site of me enjoying myself and rubbing my trembling clit on my new car. I fondled my breasts for daddy. My pussy juice trickled down my legs and all over the hood. Daddy’s bulge became enormous and to show him my appreciation, I let him lick my cunt and suckle on my clit. I grabbed his head and shoved his face deep in my bald young pussy. His cock got so excited, I started stroking his large bulge with my bare foot- he nearly creamed his dress pants as I jerked his cock off with my feet! I decided to be a good daddy’s slut and let him fuck my tight cunt. My naked body bouncing across the hood. I tightly wrapped my legs around his waist and forced him to cum deep inside my tight pink cunt. After we finished, I made sure to lick daddy’s cock and the car’s hood clean! We both got a hot ride that night!
Category: Sexy chat
Waiting For Your Cock
I waited outside for you to pull in next door I was naked and sunbathing in that spot in the yard where you can look over the fence and see me. I knew your wife was away for a few days and I want you! I have wanted you for a while and now is my perfect chance. I make a noise so you turn and look my way. I can feel your eyes piercing my naked flesh. I make eye contact with you and wave you over with my pinky. You waste no time in coming over. You are already pulling out your thick cock and heading straight for my open wet ready mouth. My lips grab a hold of your cock and slide down your shaft. You taste so fucking yummy in my mouth and your so fucking thick you fill my mouth full.
Surprise for you
I love giving great blowjobs. My Co-worker and I went on a brunch date yesterday. It was nothing out of the ordinary. But, something seemed different. As I went to pay for my bill he picked it up for me. He wanted to pay for me it was nice, but it was unexpected. He asked me out knowing he had a wife. I refuse to make any romantic connection with a married man, also one that I work with. He is very attractive, but I just couldn’t. I told him that he was wrong for doing that. We eat together yes, but its strictly business. I guess until now. Well, this morning I woke up with flowers delivered to my door. Knowing it was him, I sent them back. He must have asked my assistant what my favorite flowers were because he knew. Daisys. How sweet right? I thought. I made it to work and he was sitting in my chair at work. He told me to lock the door. I proceeded to shut it and let him confess his love. He told me that since he met me he had always admired my work and enjoyed my smile. I couldn’t help but blush. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I got down on my knees giving him the best head that I ever gave. He came in my mouth and swallowed it all. Next time I hope to be bent across my desk with my skirt pulled up above my waist.
Need To Get Fucked
I need to get laid so freaking bad. My pussy will not stop aching for a huge big fuck stick. I am going to go out tonight to a bar down the street and pick me up some dick. Lol, maybe two or three fuck sticks if I am a lucky little slut. I do very much try to act like the wholesome girl from next door but on the inside I know I am a raging slut and I need lots of dick. I have never turned down a guy who wanted to fuck me. Hell, most of the time I come onto them begging for what is swinging between their legs. It has been almost a whole 24 hours since the last time I had a nice fuck stick stuffing one of my holes.
Putting Out The Fire
I Have a client who loves my fireman outfit! It is the only outfit I wear for him. I come rushing into his office to put out the fire in his pants. And the only way the fire can be put out is with my ass. I cawl up to him backwards wiggling my ass at him. I beg for him to let me take care of that burning fire trapped in his suit pants. He is a wicked kinky man and he turns me on so fucking much. Sometimes he will make a call to his wife as he sticks his cock in my ass. It gets him off just as much as it gets me off. She won’t take it in the ass and he will talk to her and as he is fucking me almost like a virtual slap in her prude face. When he dumps his load he will tell her how much he loves her. Listening to his conversion to the one he vowed to be faithful to as he ass fucks me is such a fucking turn on.
2 Houses Down
There is this one sexy man who lives 2 houses down from me. He is an old sexy man in his seventies at least but something about him makes my pussy just drip every time I see him. He was an athlete back in his prime and it still shows. I have been flirting with him for a few weeks. Whenever I see him out in his yard messing in his garden or mowing his lawn. I walk past his house dressed very slutty with my dog and stop to start up a conversation. He is interested because he flirts right back with me but he has never made a move and I am getting sexually frustrated. Today I decided I was going to make the first move and instead of waiting for him to be outside to go over. This time I knocked on his door looking for some sugar. He invited me in and I could see by the look on his face he was happy to me. As he walked to his kitchen to get me the sugar I requested but do not need that is when I attacked him so to speak. I pushed him up against the wall and asked him when was the last time he had a slut at his disposal. He did not answer me instead he grabbed a hold of my tit and smiled. The only words that came out of his mouth were “I was just waiting for you to make the first move.” Now I am super happy I did.