She was so stressed that I could feel it. I started off with a massage, around her head and shoulders, her neck. I slid my hands down around her tits and massaged them for a bit before moving to unbutton her blouse. I caressed down her stomach and belly, long strokes that were meant to relax and stimulate. By the time I got to her cunt, she was gyrating her hips and kissing me. I slipped my hand into the undone waistband of her skirt and straight to her cunt, rubbing around her clit. Then, I got up and pulled her to the bedroom, laid her on the bed, and buried my face between her thighs. My tongue danced over and around her clit as my fingers dove deep inside of her, starting that long, sweet drive. After a few minutes of my eating her, she begged me to give her my cunt, so I slipped around and straddled her face. She immediately started doing amazing things to my cunt with her own tongue and fingers. She spread my ass cheeks apart and licked up and down there, too. We kept eating each other, fingering each other, until we got so close we were bucking hips. At that point, I needed her against me, so I whirled and kissed her deeply as I drove my fingers into her, massaging her clit at the same time. She followed suit and filled my cunt up with her fingers, driving my clit with her thumb, and we came together into each others mouths. She definitely relaxed after that!
Tag: phone sex therapist
Phone Sex Therapy
Phone sex therapy is for men and women. Some women need it just as badly as you guys; especially if they suffer under the delusion that cock size doesn’t matter. Of course it matters. Size always matters. I have this one cuckold I have been seeing for almost a year now. I use the word cuckold loosely because he cannot get his wife to fuck another man. He is a cuckold wannabe. All my suggestions to get her to cheat on him so she would see the light, failed. I was out of options, so I told him to bring his wife with him to our next therapy session. He had to trick her because she didn’t know he was seeing a phone sex therapist for his small dick issue. She is that delusional woman we all know who thinks being a good wife means blowing smoke up her husband’s ass about his sexual prowess in the bedroom. When they arrived, I had a surprise for them both. Zach was there as a live aid of sorts. Zack is 24 with a 9 inch, thick cock. My client’s wife was in shock to see a hung, naked handsome guy waiting for her and her husband. My client knew what to do. He stripped naked and stood next to Zach so his wife could see the stark contrast. It was stark too since my client is 2 inches hard. When he is soft, you can’t see anything but hair and balls. Seeing is believing. Fucking is believing too. I seduced his wife, which was easier to do than I thought. She was super wet. I knew she noticed the huge cock size difference. I had her right where I needed her, so I guided Zach’s cock into her shaved wet pussy while her husband rubbed his nub. Finally, his wife was getting the cock she deserved and he was getting to be a true cuckold. I am not above trickery, eating pussy and using hung assistants to help make a client’s fantasies cum true.
Phone Sex Therapy is a MUST!
I knew from the moment he walked into my office that he needed it bad today. I came out from behind my desk and immediately started stripping as he stalked around the room, looking very much like a caged lion. I almost couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. I walked over to him just as he passed my lounger, and he spun me around and bent me over that chair. He stripped right down and plowed into my cunt, and he started pummeling me. He showed no mercy, grabbing on and fucking me for all he was worth. He was so frustrated today, and it was showing in how hard a time he was having getting off. My pussy took a real beating, he battered it and slammed it, and he took out every bit of anger and aggravation on my cunt. His hands went from holding my hips to pulling my hair to holding my shoulders, as his hips steadily tried to dig his dick deeper and harder into me. I worked my pussy muscles, trying to help him along by milking him as he fucked me. Finally, I felt him start to tense up, and then I felt the explosion that just forced my own orgasm. He filled me so full of cum, and then he held me for a moment as his dick started to harden again. I knew this hour was going to be brutal, but I was here for him.
Cuckold Phone Sex Therapy
Cuckold phone sex therapists have a sweet job. I get paid to make fun of little dick losers. There is no actual sex. I don’t fuck pathetic cocks. I am a cock size queen. The therapy cuckolds receive is in the form of humiliation and recognition that they are cock sucking faggots. I think men want their women to cuckold t hem just so they have a valid excuse to suck cock. Cuckolds call me all the time to seek advice about their lifestyle and their urges. But it is more than advice. They are looking for validation. Validation that it is okay to suck cock. Validation that is okay to swallow cum and like it. Every time I hear, “Does it make me gay that I suck cock for my wife,” I bite my tongue. They want me to say no; the majority want me to say no. They want me to say that it just makes them a good cuckold or a good submissive man. Here is an honest opinion. If you suck cock and you like sucking cock, I don’t care if your sucking your wife’s hung lover’s cock or some random cock at a gay bar; if you like it; if you suck with enthusiasm; if you swallow; if you can’t wait to suck cock, you are a faggot. There is no shame in being one either. Own it; I always say that during phone sex therapy sessions. When you own it, you are free to enjoy it. Think of all the side cock you could have if you admitted to your wife you aren’t just a cuckold but a cock sucking fag too? If you call me for some phone therapy, I will help you come to terms of what you really are, little fag boy.
Phone Sex Therapist
I love being a phone sex therapist. I get to talk to men with all sorts of kinks and fetishes. I have a few myself. A guy I talked to last week had an intense attraction to women’s feet. He has a thing for shoes too. He hangs out at shoe stores to watch pretty girls try on shoes. He is not married and no girlfriend either. He has yet to find a real woman with whom he can explore his foot fetish. I gave him some suggestions. In the past, when I was a poor college girl, I placed ads in the back of Penny Savers and like papers. I targeted guys with foot fetishes. I have always had pretty feet. I get pedicures monthly. Always have, always will. Men would pay me anywhere from $25-$100 in the late 80s to suck on my toes, watch me walk in heels, even cum on my pretty manicured feet. It was quick, easy money. While my sorority sisters worked 20-30 hours a week serving up greasy food, I made more money with way fewer hours catering to men who love feet. It is the modern age. I suggested he place ads for feet models on Craig’s List and the Back Pages. He called me this morning to talk about his foot fantasy come true. He paid a college coed $150 to go shoe shopping with him. He bought her several expensive pairs of shoes; then they went back to his place where she gave him a foot job. I was getting so wet knowing that my phone sex therapy helped him. She let him cum on his feet and they have set up a weekly arrangement. It is win win. He gets to explore his foot fetish in real time and a cute coed gets some easy pocket cash. Whatever your fetish or kink is, I bet can help make it a reality for you too.