I had to take my car to the dealership for some routine maintenance. From my seat in the waiting area, I could see straight through into the manager’s office, as his office seemed to be mostly windows. He was a great bear of a man, burly and grizzled and sexy as fuck. I could clearly see the tension in his demeanor, and I knew that man was stressed beyond all. After a glance around to make sure there was no one paying attention, I slipped quietly into his office. He glanced up at me and started to question my presence, but I held a finger to my lips as I closed the blinds to his office. I slid behind him and started a nice, solid massage, hitting all the vital places, before slowly adding some kisses and licks into it. He not only started to relax, but his tension all started to shift to his nether regions. Being the gentleman that he was, he tried to warn me off of him, but being the pro that I am, I knew what I was about. When I knew that he was wound up tight, I spun his chair about, climbed down between his legs, and freed his cock from its prison. You could see the desire to fight, and his chest inhaling for the berating he was about to unleash on me. Then, my mouth found his shaft, and all will to fight left him in a groan. His hands found my hair, my mouth worked its way further and further down his dick, and his stress all moved directly to where his blood was flowing. I felt him urging himself to his finish, but I wasn’t done, yet. I stood up, undid my blouse, hiked up my skirt, and I buried his cock in my pussy at the same time that I buried his face in my chest. His grizzly beard scratched at my smooth skin, and his cock filled me up and stretched me out. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me in tight as he started to thrust up into me hard. I bounced up and down on him hard and fast, helping him along, until he finally came deep inside of me, setting of my own orgasm. He kissed me full on the mouth as thanks, but I wasn’t done yet. 😉
Phone Sex Therapy with Farah
Phone sex therapy? I love talking to men with various problems and fetishes. I had a pretty wild session with a guy today with a strong foot fetish. I have my own theory on men who like to suck on toes. With this guy I was exactly right too. I think toe suckers are not only submissive but that they have bisexual fantasies too. Toes are phallic symbols. When Tony was sucking my big toe, it became painfully clear he wanted to be sucking a fat cock. That man was devouring my toe with such intensity I thought he might suck my toe clear off. He said his wife won’t let him suck her toes. I put on my phone sex therapist hat to explain to him that she likely knows he wants to suck on something much bigger. He acted perplexed at first, but as soon as I provided some sexual imagery of dangling cocks over his mouth he went ape shit. He started sucking harder and moaning loudly. I could hear him rubbing his little clit stick too. When I explained that he needs to be a cuckold to his wife so he can suck some real cock, he asked a ton of questions. The way I see it, being a cuckold is a closeted man’s best shot at getting some real dick without coming across as a total fag to his wife. It’s a win win situation. The wife gets some big dick that can satisfy her properly and you get to finally suck that cock you have been fantasizing about for awhile. Your wife can think you are just a subby hubby trying to ensure her sexual pleasure, but you and I will know that you are nothing more than a cock sucking faggot hiding behind a cuckold façade. Think about it. As a cuckold you get all the cock your wife does!
Stuff me
I was stuffing my turkey and chatting with my husbands brother. He was telling me about all the bitches he has been fucking. He even had me sniff his fingers to smell the pussy of the bitch he fucked before he got here. Holidays means my husband is home more and I fucking hate it. Holidays also means my husband’s brother will be crashing on our couch for a week. I needed my pussy stuffed like I was stuffing this turkey! Hands deep inside just filling that turkey up while I was dying to be stuffed! When his brother had me smell his stinky pussy covered fingers I laughed and told him mine smelled better! I licked his fingers and told him I even tasted better! I winked at him as I put the turkey in the oven and then pulled my panties down and started rubbing my pussy right in front of my brother in law! It didn’t take him long to stuff my hairy turkey with his cock!
Sex Therapy Porn in the Parking Lot
As I was leaving work, I noticed there was still a car parked in the lot to my building. I’m always the last to leave, so it left me curious, and concerned. I approached the car slowly, at an angle and from the side. As I got closer, I could see a man inside, looking down into his lap, and when I saw it was his dick in his hand that he was looking at, I had to giggle. I recognized him; he was a client of mine. Apparently the 2 orgasms he had had in my office weren’t enough. So, I tapped gently on the window once before opening his driver’s door to his startled expression. He immediately started apologizing, but I silenced him by pulling the lever on the side of his seat that allowed the seat to fall straight back under his weight. Then, I climbed in straddling him and pulled the door closed. I reached down and started stroking his cock for him as I assured him softly that it was ok, I was going to help him. I leaned in and kissed him deeply, the way I knew he liked. Then, I slid his dick inside of the side of my panties and into my wet and waiting cunt. His arms wrapped around me then, and I knew I was on it. He started thrusting hard up into me, over and over again. It felt so amazing that I just held on for dear life. He got me off several times, and he got off 3 more times himself, before he was sated enough to go home and spend the rest of the night with his wife.