Category: Forced feminization

Felecias’ Phone sex therapy can help you please your wife..

Phone sex therapy

Shhh shhh, don’t you cry! You silly man, you came to me. Remember that fact. You cam crawling to me, begging me to teach you how to please your wife. You want to make her happy but you just don’t know what it is that makes her so unhappy. Now take a nice deep breath as I push this fake cock deeper into your tight asshole. You have found porn on her laptop.. Porn with women in charge and you want to make her happy.

Domination phone sex

That is where I come in. I will turn you into an anal sex whore who craves a big cock deep in his asshole.. Take this big fake cock as I thrust in and out of you. Wipe those tears.. or I’ll give you a reason to really cry.. Your tiny cock wont make her happy.. but letting her fuck your asshole will!

Phone Sex Therapy?

phone sex therapyPhone sex therapy is what every married man needs. Face it men, if you are married you are not satisfied. Maybe your wife has stopped giving head or putting out since you put a ring on it. Perhaps as she has aged, she has become less adventurous in the bedroom and you have developed some kinks you do not feel safe sharing. Some women are so uptight about things, I can understand why you may not want to delve into them with an uptight prude. You could end up in divorce court. That is why this phone sex doctor is always in. I love being a non judgmental phone sex therapist. I hold the dirty little secrets of many married men. I spoke to a guy today who likes to wear women’s panties. He is too afraid to even steal his own wife’s panties, so he sought my advice on what to do. Way too many women think their husband is gay or a pervert just because he likes the feel of something feminine wrapped around his pecker. Panty boys aren’t all sissies or latent homosexuals. We all posses a duality within us. I would even say we are all naturally bisexual. Societal norms  push us to be one way or the other. I encourage bisexual behavior in men and women. So when I speak with a panty boy, not only do I send him shopping for a pair of his own frilly panties, I encourage him to seek out a bisexual experience. My caller today I sent to Victoria Secret’s to purchase a pair of pink panties, then I sent him to his local adult book store to suck some dick at the glory hole. Turns out he really enjoyed sucking a random cock. I told him men at glory holes are usually married men on the down low. He never thought of himself as bisexual just because he likes to wear panties, but my philosophy is always how do you know you don’t like something if you don’t try it? A good therapist explores your boundaries, even pushes them. Just like wearing panties doesn’t make you queer, neither does sucking cock. I can help you explore your bisexual side too. Maybe even push your boundaries.

Sissy Humiliation with Farah

sissy humiliationSissy humiliation is so much fun. When I was younger, the Internet and smart phones didn’t exist. Phone sex came around in the 80s, however the women, were how should I put this nicely, not as pretty as they are today.  You had no way of seeing what they looked like, unlike today where you can see us first before you call. The original phone sex sluts worked in a warehouse in some cubicle with a headset on, not out of the comfort of their homes like today. A lot has changed since I was young, including sissy humiliation. The Internet has given birth to a new brand of sissies. Pathetic, cross dressing, cock sucking, shameful, pansy sissies who beg to be outed and publicly humiliated. Growing up, a boy got called a sissy for crying. Now you are a sissy when you have a limp tiny dick, enjoy public humiliation and forced feminization. And, when you suck dick wearing something pink and frilly. Now, the folks behind sissy humiliation are not the boys on the playground, they are hot sexy women like me. Bitches in charge who recognize the desperate plight of the modern sissy. Women like me who understand that some men just belong in panties and a frilly dress. Some boys aren’t really boys, just girls trapped inside a loser male body. Some women recognize the shameful nature of  these man girls trapped in the wrong body, trying to act like someone they are not. These individuals need sissy training to become who they were meant to be. Full fledged sissy maids waiting on goddesses like me to dress them, shame them, out them and put them to work for us. Sissy school is now in session thanks to the modern world and hot sexy MILFs like me. Think you can handle it sissy?

sissy humiliation

Phone Sex Therapy is Perfect for Sissy Humilation

phone sex therapyPhone sex therapy is a very popular form of phone sex. Think about it. It makes perfect sense to talk to a sexy mature woman about all the things you cannot share with your wife. We have a company sissy. Perhaps you have seen her page. We all blog about her. She is a money pig who craves attention but is so pathetic she has to pay for her sissy humiliation. I had the pleasure of speaking with her and her goddess, our bitch in charge here at WBMT, Levi. You think you have a good idea how shameful and pathetic a sissy is by reading blogs about her and seeing  pictures of her, but trust me none of that does our sissy any justice. Our company sissy is the biggest sissy I have ever spoken to in my career as a phone sex therapist. She has her dresses and bunny outfits specially made for her. Makes sense in hindsight. One cannot just walk into a Lane Bryant store and expect that they have a playboy bunny outfit or a baby doll dress in a size 18. Sissy doesn’t exactly have a girlish figure. She has to pretend to be a man for her wife and her day job. I teased her that she must have gone to acting school to be able to fool so many people into thinking she is a normal red blooded middle aged man. She sings little songs. I just about peed myself hearing her sing Sissy Girl to the tune of Barbie Girl, that cheesy 90s song. She is quite creative. But, she is a real sissy. She is not pretending on the phone. She is pretending at her day job. The one she needs to support her Goddess and those who work under her. I talk to a lot of sissies on the phone, and few are career sissies like our company Sissy Fairy Fag. She is pathetic and shameful, but also honest, creative and genuine. I am glad that she feels comfortable in her own skin to be outed and shamed by this company. Are you so brave? I doubt it. I have never been sent a sissy picture by one of my other sissies that shows her face. I have never gotten the sense that my other sissies are still sissies when not chemically altered. Sissies you have some big pumps to fill. Are you up for the challenge?

sissy humiliation

Small dick humiliation is my specialty

small dick humiliationOh sweetie, you are absolutely perfect for small dick humiliation… aren’t you glad that it is one of my specialties? You see, I know what you need better than you do yourself. I know that you are not a real man… in fact I know that you are more of a woman than you have ever been a man. You should be dressed up and humiliated, with that tiny little wannabe cock you have you are perfect for panties and I know that once you have them on you are never going to want to wear anything else. Now, don’t get the idea that I am going to allow you to rub that tiny thing either, I am all about tease and denial with a heavy emphasis on the denial part. I love to see you whimper and beg and I love knowing that you will go to bed with your shriveled little balls all blue. This is all going to happen sweety, whether you want it to or not…

Have you seen the rare Sissy Faggy Easter Bunny?!

Domination phone sex

I don’t know about you but I love going to YouTube. I happen to be looking for a little humiliation for tour infamous site sissy Michael. I found this video of a faggy pink bunny!  As I waited for the video to load I started laughing! I knew that Faggy pink bunny Michael and she was walking around showing off her beautiful long waxed legs. Her humiliation day was video tapped and posted on YouTube for all of the world to see! On her recent sissy day Sissy Michael was humiliated by a 28 year old college student. She is our 28 year old goddess in training! She made a sign for sissy Michael to wear all day long. I love that this 28 year old humiliated our faggy sissy and Made her wear a sign all day long as she was dressed up as if that pink bunny. Sissy Michael gets off on being humiliated, so let’s help her squirt her sissy dick milk out of her tiny little cock and tingly balls. Let’s make Faggy Sissy Michael squirt his sissy cum so much as she waits to see if her wife finds out she is married to a faggy sissy Easter bunny!

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Phone Sex Therapy is Sissy Humiliation When You are a Pathetic Cotton Tailed Fairy Like

phone sex therapyFaggy pink bunnyis in much need of some phone sex therapy. This sissy fairy let a 28 year old college student force her into this shameful bunny outfit. Look at her. Isn’t she pathetic? A young college girl, more than half the age of our company sissy, humiliated her in public with a sign and this outfit. I mean really? Talk about sissy humiliation. This just about takes the cake. It is one thing to let us phone sex gals humiliate and shame her, but to be forced into wearing such an outfit in public prancing around singing little ditties about the Easter Bunny, has to be the ultimate degradation.

sissy humiliationDeep down inside Sissy Fairy Fag courts such humiliation because she knows she is shameful. I mean, she has her own page with a phone number of 1-800-LOSER. She has been seen in adult baby garb prancing around like a little teapot about to spurt. She is a poo poo princess pansy too. Don’t know what that means? Consider yourself lucky and a real man. That means that this little fairy fag walks around, even sits in her own waste. That is right, this sissy is so shameful she poops and pees in her diapers and gets joy out of the humiliation we  bestow on her. It is not just pathetic, but disgusting.

tease and denialThat young college girl is a sissy trainer in the making. She saw that Sissy Fairy Fag was pathetic and weak. She seized the opportunity to humiliate her further by turning her into a life size Easter Bunny that hopped around town wishing everyone a happy Easter. I laughed so hard seeing that little cotton tailed fag shake her little ass like a princess in broad day light. I can only image that everyone who sees this video gets a good chuckle, which is why I am sharing it. Who doesn’t need a good laugh at a sissy’s expense?

The Best Phone Sex Involves Sissy Humiliation

best phone sex farahThe best phone sex is honest phone sex. I am a mature woman. I no longer feel the need to please men by blowing smoke up their asses. You will never hear me say, “Oh baby it’s so big,” when it is 4 inches hard. You may hear me laughing, however. That is being honest. A small cock is something to laugh about. I am amazed how many men think they have a big dick, or at least a average sized one, in the Internet age.  We are all just one key stroke away from seeing an image of a big black cock, or some porn site with cocks the size that hot women deserve. It is hard for me to imagine that any modern girl would think a little nub could do anything other than make her giggle. I don’t think men are inherently stupid as a group. I do, however, think they are delusional. I also think some men are just afraid to admit that sissy humiliation turns them on, so they put themselves in situations where they know they will likely get shamed by a hot woman.

sissy humiliation farahTake Ted for example. This so called man, hit on me with a clit stick getting lost in his boxers. I did the only honest and humane thing possible. I made him my sissy. Let me tell you the conversion was simple. She knew deep down inside that she was not put on this planet to please women sexually. She just never encountered a straight talking woman before who knew what she deserved. That first night, I dressed her like a  slutty little girl. Slapped some nipple clamps on her boobie buds and gave her a butt pump. I get hours of laughter watching a sissy make her clitty jump with a butt pump. Sometimes, my sissy comes over after a long day just to make me giggle. Other times, she comes over to be my sissy maid. Either way, a man with a tiny dick can serve me. Just not the way he may have originally intended.


As you wish! Look at this sissy fairy fag MICHAEL! He is a married man and does not want his wife to know what a sissy whore he is. Sissy has been begging to be humiliated! We send Sissy Michael dressed up like a sexy woman. She goes out and gets her tiny clitter dick and dangly balls waxed. She gets her wig done and makeup on! She is dressed and ready to be humiliated! She will do anything you tell her! If you see Sissy Michael on the street I want you to do something for me.

Sissy humiliation

Make her get down on her knees and beg for humiliation. Sissy Michael has a naughty secret. She loves to be humiliated with scat. Make Sissy Michael squat down in her heels, squirt and push out her nasty sissy poo-poo! Make that dirty Sissy slut take a dirty stinky sissy poo-poo in her sissy panties! She will have to walk around ALL day in her sissy panties full of her stinky sissy poo-poo! She will be dressed up like a woman and she will be a stinky Sissy slut!

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Sissy Michael love’s to be humiliated, she pays for us to humiliate her every day! Make our Sissy Michael a stinky poo-poo humiliation slut! She would LOVE to be your stinky poo-poo sissy slut! I love spending Sissy Michael  money after she has begged to be humiliated! Please help us out Sissy Michael and make it easier for his wife to find out where all their money goes!

Best phone sex with our Sissy Fairy!

Best phone sexSo our company sissy is at it again. She claims that she does not want anyone to know about what she does on her spare time. However we all know Mrs. Sissy fairy is a pathetic pansy crossdresser!  And here is a little secret to share with you all! She wears dresses, makeup, jewelry, and high heels and carries a purse like a complete sissy fairy that she is! She loves putting those tight pink panties on that hug her little pussy mound since there is a lack of a package down there that we all know about, I’m sure she just makes the sissy panties soaking wet too underneath of that dress!

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She is really sweet though, she has great taste in the color pink. She loves to prance around being a perfect pretty princes fairy in her high heals and ruffly dresses, I guess it makes her feel even more girly then she leads us all to believe. Go ahead and take pleasure looking at this beauty- giggle at her ridiculously cute- but mostly just ridiculous outfits. Go ahead laugh at this pink fairy and ridicule her. She deserves sissy shaming and to be made fun of! Give her a nice big cock and I am sure she could suck it better then half the girls you may know of. She is begging for that humiliation and punishment. She is a perfect pathetic pink fairy that our girls have no problem making fun of and broadcasting for everyone of you to see!

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