If the best phone sex is what you seek for that unrealistic fantasy desire that works your mind and masturbation moments into an endless loop and frenzy then I should be able to assist you. My way to offer therapy is to not really judge you but maybe humiliate you a little and bring you down to the reality that you may not be manly for a reason. You need to come to terms about your sexuality maybe and just cannot get a handle on the fact that your cock is not a real cock, and certainly not one that women desire. If it’s something else that gets you worked up we can discuss that as well, especially if it has to do with that hot young daughter of your girlfriends that you know you could please if you only got the nerves or chance to.
Category: Best phone sex
I Want To Fuck You
I want to fuck you so badly. And you know it. I know you fuck around on your wife. I don’t understand why you won’t fuck me. I know you say it is because I live right next door to close for comfort for you. But I think that is just a lame excuse. Not a good enough one to deny me what I want. I hate being denied. It makes me more determined to get what I want. I have had enough. I waited for your wife to leave for her Wednesday night book club gathering. Aka drinking with the girls night. I snuck in the back door. I know you hide a key under the gnome dressed like Elvis. I play with my pussy finger blasting myself right there in your breezeway. When you open the door I will be the first thing you see. And I can’t wait for you to get home so I can ravish you. I am not waiting for you any longer I am taking what I want. You are not going to deny me anymore. I hear your car. I get excited. My pussy is very wet my fingers are soaked. I hear the rattling of the keys in the door. You walk in and flip on the lights and bam I am what you see. My legs spread wide. 3 of my fingers pushing in and out of my twat. And my boobs out bouncing for you. I see your bulge trying to rip through your pants. But yet you still try to deny me. No not tonight big boy. Tonight you belong to me. I take control seducing you making you mine for the night. And many more nights to come.
Mature Phone Sex Women Know Size Matters
Mature phone sex women are the best for cuckold calls. With age comes knowledge. When I was younger, I didn’t think cock size mattered much. What can I say? I was young and foolish. Those days are over. So are the days of acting like every man was the best lover I have ever had. I had to visit my ex-husband’s place of business the other day. We share a daughter and I needed his help with her college tuition. He has plenty of money, more than me. He just never had a big dick. He had this nerdy guy fixing his computer when my ex hit on me. He said he would pay for our daughter’s tuition if I fucked him for old time sakes. He has been jonesing for my pussy ever since I cut him off and took him to the curb. I told him once again, size matters and I am not wasting anytime with his 3-inch dick. He kept trying to fuck me. My ex is such a loser. He still insists more than a mouthful is a waste. We had this conversation in front of the tech guy. I could see the bulge in the geek’s pants. Now, he may have been a geek, but he was more than a man than my ex-husband. I made a geek’s day. I fucked him in my husband’s office, in front of my husband. My ex was livid. He tore up the check he wrote for our daughter’s tuition as I was riding the geek’s face. The tech boy even had a better tongue than my loser ex-husband. I got the tech guy fired, but he said it was all worth it because my ex-husband is a total dick. I decided taking out a loan for my girl’s college and small dick humiliation for my ex was way better than fucking his small dick.