Category: Domination phone sex

There Is A First Time For Everything

Cocksucking phone sexIt seems that my boytoy still has some things that I have yet to discover about him.  We were in the bedroom and he asked me if I could use one of my toys on him.  I was surprised, he never asked before.  I asked him which one he wanted me to use and he stated that he wanted the “big realistic looking one.”  Color me impressed!  As I was using it on him, he confessed that he has had fantasies of sucking off random men’s cocks. I took note of that and stashed it away for safe keeping.

We happened to be in the city and that memory came crashing back to me.  I told him I had a meeting and just to go and check into our Hotel.  He went his way and I went mine.  It took a little while but I finally found what I had been looking for.  I texted him and gave him an address for him to meet me at.  He showed up twenty minutes later with a pure look of confusion on his face.  I talked to the guy behind the counter and in no time at all we were walking up a pair of steps and behind a curtain.

Once back there he asked me what this place was, I promptly told him,”It’s a Glory Hole love.”  He looked nervous.  I told him that I would be there with him the whole time and we would keep the door firmly shut.  We picked a spot and waited.  He kept fidgeting around, I told him to stop and just breath.  The first cock came though the hole, it wasn’t all the way hard, and my sweet toy froze.  I got behind him and instructed him on what to do.  Before long he was drinking cum from a few cocks.

He still has some work to do to become a fantastic cock sucker, but I think with my help he will be a Pro in no time flat.

Beautiful Threesomes


Latina phone sex

I’m a call girl, I do escort work, but I’m much more than that. I love my wild imagination my big dream is to be an actress did you know that actresses get ready for rolls and do work around it like what I do for real so I guess I’m getting into character. I like to fuck I like to get wild nasty, and out of control, if I could fuck you in front of an audience I would do it I wouldn’t say no. I’m just who I am nobody else I really know how to satisfy myself and hot wet cunt bitches like me love to go crazy on other women’s big men. I like to fuck and get wild and nasty I can’t help myself. I can suck a dick so good I’ll make your man scream in passion and joy he will lose his mind. But this night I was too big for my shoulders I had to deal with a wife, and that was scary. She came into the hotel room she was angry as fuck a huge big fat white woman she kept calling me names like you fucking spic and saying that I was a perfect reason for the wall. I told her I was sorry I tried to pretend like I had no idea her husband was married. That bitch snatched my hair and started to scream she went crazy. I told her the only thing I could think of I said, I will fucking eat your cunt so good. I was so scared that she was going to fuck me up so I told her I can eat your pussy so good it will make you cry I tried to say anything, and she agreed. She made me get down on my knees she opened her fat legs and told me to lick my pussy skinny bitch. Her sloppy wet pussy tasted like candy, it was so sweet it was like she had been needing to be satisfied for so long and I was getting the chance to please her. I am really good at satisfaction I am tremendously sexual with women and men I know how to do my job. That was a day and a night that we all fondly remember and laugh about as we’re doing Bountiful, beautiful threesomes together. The best part of the whole thing is I get paid to have the most fabulous sex ever.



Small Boobs Equals Tight Teen Pussy

small boobs

I have small boobs, but they are perky and perfect. I am small by nature a perfect fuckable piece of ass. I love having a tiny body and tight twat. My sugar daddy has a small dick but I still let him fuck me sometimes. I keep his ass on a tight leash though. He only gets this pussy after I get fucked by a big cock. It helps to be swollen and full of cum when he fucks me. Plus I love how fast sugar daddy cums after he sees his little fuck slut get her pussy reamed. Be careful Sugar, I just might put you in my little bitty panties next time! You are my cuckold. Your small dick means I get away with being the town whore. Everybody knows and wonder why you still fuck with me. I do things to you no other slut does that’s why! I make it so hot when you watch me fuck and I give you so much attention baby. You would never get this kind of attention with that smaller than average dick. Thank goodness you have sweet sensual little o me. Come play with me, baby.

Jungle fever latinas

sexy babemilf phone sex

2 girl phone sex

My girls and I have severe jungle fever. We can’t resist big cocks. The bigger, the better and there is only one type of cock that satisfies a sexy babe like me. Big black cocks that are the size of a stuffed eggplant. My friends aren’t any different. We all meet up and take the same cock together. When you deal with the big boys, there is plenty to go around. Sharing is caring in our book. Why not give the gift that keeps on giving. We have shared cocks and cum loads for a while now.

It started in the club where we worked. We each had goals of finding rich men willing to be complete cucks. It took some time but we each got that. Sneaking around was hard, and I had to fess up to my husband. Eventually, I was going to become reckless and not care. Luckily he good sport about the situation. One rule we have is that it stays within our circle. The last thing powerful men want out is their dirty secrets.

Selina and Denise had the same agreement. Like they say its cheaper to keep her. They knew not only would the embarrassment of everyone in town knowing they been cheated on, but also that everyone would know they get their rocks off watching their wives get pounded by other men. It was too much to risk, so we got what we wanted to like the sexy chicks we are. You can be we started to go wilder than ever. The three of us weren’t afraid of rubbing it in our husband’s faces together. We had to keep up with our jungle fever. The sexiest thing is having them look straight into our eyes while we are on all fours getting fucked from behind by big juicy black cocks. They married sluts with jungle fever.

Cuckold Phone Sex will Save Your Marriage

cuckold phone sexI am good at cuckold phone sex because my ex husbands gave me great practice. I was young and naïve with husband number one. I married for love and thought that meant I would grow to love his 4-inch thin dick. That never happened. Marriage number two I thought I had traded up because he had an 8-inch cock. I mean I doubled the dick size, right? Wrong. He was on so much medication that his nice cock was in a perpetual limp state. I took him to the curb too. The problem with both ex husbands is that neither understood my sexual needs. They thought love was enough. They thought I should forgo sexual pleasure to save their precious egos. True love doesn’t work that way. If you love your wife and you can’t satisfy her, you will lose her if you think she should remain faithful and just over look her sexual pleasure. I am a phone sex therapist and I will tell you that making your woman sacrifice her pleasure is not the way to go period. If anyone should suck it up, its you. Lick it up too. Being a cuckold is the way to save a marriage. Neither of my ex-husbands wanted to be my cuckolds. They didn’t think it was manly. It takes a man to put his ego aside for his woman’s sexual pleasure. If you have a big ego and a small cock, you need my help.

I’m a Cheater

Latina phone sex


Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit, who the fuck do you think you are you think you deserve to have sex with me. Guess what I’m not ever going to fuck you. I’m always going to take you right to the point of losing control, and then I’m going to get up and fucking leave. If you happen to be at my house, I am going to kick your ass the fuck out because you don’t mean shit to me you’re just a paycheck. I mean really who do you think you are with your small little dick you can’t even make me scream you make me mad. I can’t stand you I tried to like you, but it’s just not possible you’re so arrogant for nothing. You and your little bitty pink dick means nothing you should be in a dress you fucking sissy I should have a strap-on making you scream. You’re not a winner you’re a fucking loser a nobody, a complete nothing and you think you deserve me. For some reason I’m at a loss I cannot understand how someone like you could feel that you deserve someone like me. I love sex I love having sex I love one night stands I love being a dirty fucking whore, but you make me feel so bored. You can’t keep your little cock up for more than 10 minutes it’s disgusting it’s embarrassing, and it doesn’t turn me on loser. I’ve had enough of you. I am going to fuck your brother I’m going to let him suck my pussy, and I’m going to make you eat all of his creamy cum From my cum guzzling cunt. Your brother has been looking at my tight ass for so long he’s been telling me how he wants to bite my ass right in front of your face. Your brother calls you a wimp, and I do believe him he told me how he could fuck me for hours, and he’d love to put it on videotape I’m down for it. I’m going to suck his dick so fucking good that you’re going to feel it except for you’re not going to be getting it. I know that you deserve punishment for being so arrogant and stupid for thinking that you deserve sex from me and you’re never going to get it.

More Cuckold Phone Sex Therapy in the Internet Age

cuckold phone sexCuckold phone sex therapy is in high demand lately. Internet porn is easily accessible on tablets and phones. You can watch porn from your office computer too. Guys are seeing a lot of dick in the technology age. A lot of dicks that are way bigger than their dicks. Now, men are understanding why wives cheat. They are better understanding that not all cocks are created equally. This leaves many men confused about their relationships. Their wives or girlfriends don’t go crazy for their cocks like the women in those porn videos. That is because most men don’t have a porn star cock. I am not saying every woman needs a porn star cock, but most women over 30 want a cock 7 inches or bigger. This mature sexy babe certainly does. I knew, like most women, that size mattered before porn was a key stroke away. Men with small dicks are calling for advice now more than ever. They want to know if their women are cheating. They want to know how to be better lovers. They all say things like, “I don’t have a dick like those black guys in porn movies.” I tell all the men calling me with small dicks that the best thing they can do for their women, is be their cuckold. Women need big dicks and if you don’t have a big dick, you shouldn’t stop your woman from getting the big dick she needs. You can enjoy yourself vicariously through her. If you wife is satisfied, you should be satisfied too. That is because your woman, should always cum first.

You’re In Luck

Cuckold phone sexI bet you are wondering why I am so happy today? It has to do with you babes.  Yes, you!  I have decided that it is time that you had some fun.  I see that smile and look in your eye which indicates that you know exactly what I am talking about.  No, no, not yet.  Come into the bedroom with me first.  That’s right you just follow me.  I’ll even undress you.  It has a been a long time since you have felt my touch on your skin hasn’t it sweetie?  How long has it been? I think about eight months at least.  You are so excited!  Look at you!

Cocksucking phone sexYou sit right there and I will turn on some music.  Remember when I used to strip for you to this music, before your cock decided that it was lazy and didn’t want to work anymore.  Oh honey, it is okay, I am sure we can get it standing up straight and tall in no time at all. Let me just put these stockings around your wrist.  I know, they are soft aren’t they?  They are the ones you brought back from Paris for me.  I just love them.  There, both hands tied tightly along with your ankles.  Wiggle around for me, let’s see if you can get loose. Lovely!  Securely in place.  I promise you will love this.

Domination phone sex

That’s right!  This is the bra and pantie set you purchased along with those stockings!  How do I look babes? Aww, thank you.  I see your cock twitching, I think it just might be working.  Let me just get completely naked … oh shoot!  I forgot something, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.  I will be right back, I promise.  Her let me wiggle my tits in your face for a few seconds to tide you over until I get back.  I’m almost done, just hang on!  Alright I’m back.  Who is this? Oh this is my new lover.  Don’t look so disappointed my love, you didn’t think I was actually going to allow you to try to fuck me did you? I was just giving you a little thrill before my real fun started.  You look so upset, but at least those stockings that you have close to your skin has my pussy juice on them.  Yes, that’s right, I masturbated with them earlier today, so at least you have that.  Now, I think I want to make this real cock grow so I am going to give this massive new toy of mine a sloppy blowjob.  I am sure you won’t mind watching at all, will you?

Erotic roleplaying

Teen Slut Therapy

phone sex therapy

I was his phone sex therapy tonight. He had been edging for hours. He needed a hottie with a tight pussy to tell his fetish too. He knew he had a problem. He wanted to keep his dick hard as punishment for his demented thoughts. But now it has become a need. To keep it as hard as he can for as long as he can. I even got to watch as he could barely touch himself anymore. One light stroke had him moaning so fucking hard. His foreskin had become his own enemy as it slipped down after a nice long upward stroke. He knew if he called an escort he would blow his load the second she looked at his raging dick! I loved that he called me so my pussy could get wet at how hard he was and the way he groaned and slid down the chair after each stroke. He was a stroking slut. I made fun of his addiction and called him out. He knew what he was, and I was there to watch as he took that last stroke and lew his load over his head. I really love being a cock queen! My name is CJ, and I am a Cock Junkie. I wanted to watch as I teased and released him. I really think he just wanted me to see the labor of his edging. It was an exhibitionist sex move completely. He wanted me to keep him up as my sugar daddy fucked me in the background. Background edging But I couldn’t take it as I slipped my sex balls in my pussy and came and he let out that cum. I was so satisfied that I had control of his orgasm to that point. Nice cocks are always fun to fucking play with no matter how I get them.

Submit to Me

Domination phone sex

Let my cunt tell you what to do from now on you motherfucker. I am your mistress I own you everything you do you better beg me to do it, and that includes breathing. I want you to thank me for letting you lick the bottom of my feet after all that’s a delicious treat for your dirty fucking tongue. Your mouth is a filthy Palace that doesn’t deserve any residence. I’m going to give you golden showers all day long I’ve been drinking a lot of water. You should get down on your knees and bow to me let me know who the queen is. If you displease me I’ll spank you with my leather whip I’ll make you see that annoying me is the worst form of disobedience. Your a foul nothing you mean nothing to everyone that’s why you’re all alone because of your sick twisted mind. Without me no one would want to be around you but because I’m beautiful Sultry and tremendously sexy I make all everyone you know come around. You want me you dream about me so beg me if I tell you. Remember I am your owner oh I am the ruler of your world and my happiness is the only thing that’s ever going to be important. Do you understand? I’ve got some Adventures I’m going to send you on really soon.