Exhibitionist sex? Yes, please. I flashed my bald cunt to this cute boy the other day at the park. I was power walking and listening to music when I saw this buff boy. I say boy, because if he was 18, I would be surprised. I am not good at guessing ages, but I was not going to buy him a beer. I just wanted to tease him. I wanted to fuck him. Boy did I want to fuck him. He was tall. Height often corresponds with cock size. The taller the boy, the bigger the cock is always my hope. I flashed my cunt at him. He pulled out his cock for me. Holy shit. This tall white boy was hung like a porn star. Mature phone sex women love a challenge. I looked around and when I saw no one in the immediate vicinity, I pulled him into the wooded area with me. I got down on my knees quickly to take his forearm of a cock into my mouth. I am great with my mouth. He palmed the back of my head like a basketball. I was gagging. Cannot remember the last time I gagged on a cock. It is not that I suck small cocks. It is that I am just that good with big cocks. This boy was not just big. He was huge. He was aggressive too. He likes the sounds of girls struggling with his cock. I told him I was no girl. I was all woman. This was a challenge for me. I stepped up my game. I tilted my head back. I pulled him towards me, so he was standing over me. His cock slid down my throat. Sometimes it is all about the angle. I give great blowjobs. I had to show this boy that it was a cock sucking milf swallowing his rod, not some silly girl. I did not get his name, but I got his cum.
Tag: exhibitionist sex
Ass fetish favorite
Ass fetish worship in an elevator heading to the penthouse terrace was unexpected, however enticing. The change in altitude as well as lack of oxygen from his face being completely snuffed between my cheeks had my devoted man servant a little faint in color. By the time the elevator had reached the top We too had reached the top as I climaxed his face and he in turn climaxed onto the floor.
Cuckold phone sex, the best part about getting reamed is my husband watching
My husband watching always made matters so much more fun, especially the cuckold phone sex part. I’m a good whore who has a thing for chicks like you, the kind that’s a man on the outside and a woman on the inside. I don’t mean physically, I mean that metaphorical need to be recognized by your true identity. I love being messed about by a huge cock that’s soon to be gone. It makes me feel amazing to know the current dick playing with me like I’m a toy house storing its meat, might be embracing its final pussy. Meanwhile, my husband can’t help but be jealous of the thick fuckable sacrifice worming its way deep and making my eyes roll back for exhibitionist sex. The truth is, his tiny cock can’t handle a woman like me. He can’t satisfy me no matter what he tries, so inner girls with an outer prick so hard and mighty it would make a saint blush and admit got had touched it, get me thirsty for a throat fucking and a pussy pumping. Anywhere I can get their cum and satisfy my needs, you betcha I’ve tried it, and I’ve made him watch while I was at it. He’ll cry if it’s too big, he’ll beg you to make me cum because at least someone has to, and he’ll spend a good portion of the night curled up to me apologizing that he can’t do what that dick just did for me. I’ll hug him close, console him, and fantasize about the next huge girl cock that I’ll be bouncing around on and making him weep for next. It’s a horrible cycle I can’t get enough of. A cosmic circle that he’ll be a burden too until he can either grow a bigger dick for me, or learn to satisfy me himself. Sadly I think one is about as likely as the other, so I’ll see you inside me tonight too? Bring your deepest Fantasy phone sex desires.
Surprise Exhibitionist sex at a party!
My feet took me to the strangest places in my youth, including exhibitionist sex. I remember this one party where the wealth ran like a waterfall, and everyone was born with a silver spoon that shined of lusty delight. I’d snuck off a little to get away from the stuffy environment and get some air, and tripped right into a studly man who picked me up right on the spot. “Oh um, thank-mnnn-” My lips were interrupted mid-thank you by his. He pressed against me, drove his tongue deep and explored in ways I was very much not ready for. My dress was lifted up, my panties moved aside, and his drawers dropped in a practiced motion that I was far too drunk to pay attention to. The wine had also ran like a waterfall, and I was pretty sure my pussy would be too in a second given he wasn’t giving me a moment to even make a faux attempt to tell him to stop. “Hau!” I’d cried out in surprise as I was entered, my pussy devoured by his hungry cock, slipping deeper without even a second’s delay. “Holy shit!” He got fucking me hard and smacking my ass against the wall, his hands holding me tight and sturdy so he could rut himself into a sperm-filled volley deep inside me.
Daddy Loves Sexy Women Masturbating!
My sugar daddy loves watching sexy women masturbating while he strokes his hard dick! I love being a sexy babe with plenty of sugar daddies on her bench, I never want for anything because of my shaved wet pussy. My sugar daddies love when I give them ‘the girlfriend experience’, they know they can count on me for a relaxing evening of sensual phone sex. I’ve been pleasing older man cock since I was a tight young school girl fucking for her first taste of freedom. As a hot sexy woman I learned quickly that the fastest way to get my sugar daddy’s dick stiff and his wallet empty was to put on a nasty show for him. I grab my favorite toy and split my cunt wide open for him to enjoy, before I know it that daddy cock is deep inside me making me squirt hard like a porn slut!