I am the total package: brains and beauty. That means I am smart enough not to date losers. I hate a Splenda daddy. Do you know what that means? That is a term for a man who is an imitation sugar daddy. He either doesn’t have the money to spoil a girl properly or the cock to fuck her properly. David was a double loser in my estimation. He was buying me, and my girlfriends drinks all night at the club. He was a bore and not that handsome, but the rich fucks seldom are the kind of guys you would still want to fuck if they were pumping gas. He had a tab and we were drinking top shelf booze. We aren’t bottom shelves girls. Anyway, we acted like he was the greatest man in the world because we thought he had money. Complete poser. His credit card declined at the end of the night. He tried to ask us for money. You offer to buy some sexy chicks drinks, you pay loser. Now, the bartender wasn’t rich, but he was handsome, and we were sure he was hung. We were correct. He had almost a foot-long cock in his pants. We made the broke ass Splenda daddy watch as we fucked the only man in the place. He called us cunts and bitches. I sat my cum filled pussy from the help on his face and asked him who the real bitch was, then we left him there. Broke with a bill he couldn’t pay and another man’s cum on his face. I told the bartender to call the cops if the loser couldn’t’ pay his bill then come over to my place when he was done working so I could get some more of that big fat dick. I don’t mind slumming if the man is hung and not a poser.
Short Dick Man
I had sissy short dick boy come up to me in the club begging for my abuse. I ignored him at first because I love to hear a sissy boy beg for my attention. When I did decide to notice him I told him to whip out what he had packing between his legs. He did and I needed a fucking magnifying glass to see it. I laughed my ass off he was hard and no bigger than my pinky width and length. how fucking pathetic! It was the most useless excuse for a dick I have ever seen. I grabbed a hold of it and started pulling on it. His balls were the size of grapes dried up grapes. I took some floss and wrapped it around tightly between his grapes and pinky dick. I am going to do him and the world a favor I am going to castrate his poor excuse of a dick.
Waiting For Your Cock
I waited outside for you to pull in next door I was naked and sunbathing in that spot in the yard where you can look over the fence and see me. I knew your wife was away for a few days and I want you! I have wanted you for a while and now is my perfect chance. I make a noise so you turn and look my way. I can feel your eyes piercing my naked flesh. I make eye contact with you and wave you over with my pinky. You waste no time in coming over. You are already pulling out your thick cock and heading straight for my open wet ready mouth. My lips grab a hold of your cock and slide down your shaft. You taste so fucking yummy in my mouth and your so fucking thick you fill my mouth full.
Dear Daddy,
Dear Daddy,
I very much fancy the new domination porn you sent me. I love learning how to be a good mistress by watching these hot women turn these pathetic excuse for men into slaves. I really hope to use some of these new skills on you when I come home on holiday. I am not quite fitting in as the girls hate that I get their boyfriends cock more than they do. I mean what girl doesn’t suck cock and expect to keep a man around?? I just fuck and let them go, it is not like I intend to keep these “Boys”. I do my peers a favor and teach these guys how to fuck they all should be thanking me. Instead, I just have to suffer with every males attention on campus. I am sending you a nice postcard, I hope you don’t open your email at work again daddy. I love sending you my naughty pictures. Which reminds me where are mine of you in your wifes’ panties and lipstick I asked for? Do not be bad, it will only make your punishment more severe! You wanted me this way and now you act like a fool by not obeying me. I have pictures of your small dick daddy I really do not want to have to send them to your contact list. So be a good daddy and send this sweet young Mistress what she desires. Did you get the video of the new teacher fucking my tight twat? He has a nice big cock, I hope that made you jealous!
Love and Kisses,
Your Sweet Young Mistress CJ <3
I kissed a girl
Well, I did much more than kiss a girl. It wasn’t even planned. I grew a crush on my brother’s girlfriend. We clicked, and I like sexy chicks so hanging out with her made me want to fuck her even more. One day I felt brave after a couple of glasses of wine and went for it I knew she found me sexy and she would always make comments on what a hot latina I was. I made my move and wished I had done it sooner. I got her pussy off with my tongue and fingers. Caressing her body and getting her ready to climax was all that I wanted. I licked her perfect pussy, and she did mines. I enjoyed scissoring her till she moaned in bliss. I’m sure my brother hasn’t made her cum this hard ever.